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地震后路基沉陷了。The earthquake made the roadbed cave in.

他悬在火车的前面,离路基大约两英尺。There he hung, at the front of the train, about two feet above the roadbed.

利用含锰废渣代替天然粘土作为路基回填土。Slags containing Mn is used as the roadbed backfill instead of natural clay.

路基与铁轨的振动问题是铁道保障行车质量的关键问题。The vibration of roadbed and rail is key to the safety of the running train.

星期五,潜江市300米长的铁路路基塌陷。The roadbed of a 300-metre section rail in Qianjiang city collapsed on Friday.

对观测数据进行整理,找出合理的数据用于分析路基沉降。Clean up the data, find the reality data for analyse the settlement of roadbed.

对于公路填方路基工程,路基压实是非常关键的工作。The compaction of roadbed is key for road fill roadbed engineering construction.

路床整形采用刮平机,局部人工配合找平。The roadbed reshaping uses shaves machine, the partial manual coordination levels.

最终把得到的结论应用于高速公路路基处理的工程实践。In the end, this conclusion can be used to practice of roadbed engineering of speedway.

这就意味着有一些路基可以快速的重建以前的铁路线。This means that there still exist a roadbed that can be quickly rebuilt to reopen the line.

修复铁路路基的工作是在苏呼米至奥齐姆奇拉铁路线上开展的。Repair of the railway roadbed is in Sukhumi to Ozzie Muqi La carried out by the railway line.

对土石混填高路基进行了强夯试验研究,试验表明强夯法压实土石混填路基可行。The feasibility of dynamic compaction used to compacting coarse grain soil roadbed is studied.

温度差异是高原冻土地区公路路基发生翻浆的一个重要因子。The diversity of temperature is an important factor for tympanites to occur in highway roadbed.

任何舒适,山地自行车或巡洋舰也将这样做路基是一个全面发展稳定的砂石路。Any Comfort, Mountain or Cruiser bike will do The roadbed is a well developed stable gravel road.

至于路基路面结构、城市桥梁、隧道规划只作简单介绍。It briefly introduces roadbed and road pavement stricture , bridge and municipal -service tunnel.

他疾速攀下铁梯,停在梯子最后—级上,离他脚下飞速掠过的铁路路基有两英尺。Climbing quickly down a steel ladder, he paused at the bottom, two feet above the roadbed flashing by.

高液限粘土作为高速公路路基,其强度和稳定性都不能满足工程要求。The intensity and stability of high liquid limit clay are not enough strong to be roadbed of speedway.

道路翻浆是严重损坏路基路面、影响行车的病害。The slurring of road is a kind of disease damaging roadbed and pavement with affecting traffic safety.

特别是在公路建设上,导致路面的沉降、路基塌陷等公路病害。It also leads to highway distresses of the roadbed subsidence and collapse in the highway construction.

在湿陷性黄土地区修建高速铁路,路基的沉降控制是一个关键环节。The study of roadbed subsidence control technology in collapsible loess areas is particularly important.