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用炸药包把祖鲁航点的路障摧毁。Destroy roadblock at waypoint Zulu with a satchel charge.

为了避免撞上路障,他把车作了个急转弯。His car was swerved to avoid bumping against the roadblock.

背景是一个平民驾驶着一辆拖拉机驶过路障。A civilian drives a tractor in the background around the roadblock.

他发现,住房和城市发展部常常是纽约革新的障碍。Often the only roadblock to innovation in New York, he found, was HUD.

他转过身,骂了在附近的路障闲逛当地战士组。He turns and scolds a group of local fighters lounging at a nearby roadblock.

设计不当的仓储信息载体也是影响拣货区作业效率的潜在因素。Improper storage media is another potential roadblock to efficiency in the pick area.

我来到城外的沙漠里,路障后有大量武装好的叛军。In the desert outside the city, I came to a roadblock manned by a large group of rebels.

粉粹这些路障,你要知道你不必成为商业一代宗师才能开始你的生意。Shatter this roadblock by realizing you don't need to be a business guru to get started.

Birge说从Kayak的手机应用程序到很多供应商网站的转换过程就好像是设立了一个“路障”。Birge describes the hand-off from Kayak’s mobile apps to many supplier websites as “a roadblock.”

一位矿工从搭建在车厢中的临时食品店中购买食物,附近的道路都被罢工的矿工们设置了路障。A miner bought food from a makeshift shop set up in the trunk of a car near a roadblock by striking miners.

在试图把样土装进其中一个烤箱的时候,美国国家航空航天管理局的“凤凰”号火星着陆器遇到了障碍。NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander has hit a roadblock while trying to scoop a sample of dirt into one of its ovens.

然而电视界却并没有准备好要认真地看待泰拉——“当模特,我的拦路石是我是黑人、身材过于富于曲线。Though the industry wasn't primed to take Tyra seriously—"As a model, my roadblock was being black and curvy."

要记住最艰难的路往往是通往成功的,走过路障最好的办法就是直接跨过。Remember that the roughest roads often lead to the top, and the best way to get over a roadblock is to go through it.

一个人对危险的化学反应,如果过激,并且这种化学物质没有得到良好的安置,就会引起恐慌。The body's chemical response to danger, if overdone, leads to panic unless a chemical roadblock can be placed in the way.

限制化学农药和有机肥料也是好方法,但是这两个方法的成本都很高,而且会成为很多消费者的障碍。To limit pesticides as well, organic is also better. But both steps cost more, and that's a roadblock for many consumers.

警方在时代广场的中央设置了一个路障,那些连接时代广场的主要十字路口也设置了路障,造成了交通堵塞。A roadblock was set up in the middle of Times Square itself, and on main cross-streets leading into it, causing virtual gridlock.

在印度北部城市瓦拉纳西,猕猴已经成为互联网服务发展道路上一个看似不可能出现的障碍。Macaque monkeys appear to have become an unlikely roadblock in the development of internet services in the northern Indian city of Varanasi.

这些障碍促使球员和老板双方都采取了法律行动,从而有可能使NBA陷入诉讼风暴,报销2011-2012整个赛季。The roadblock has sparked both players and owners to take legal action that could ensnare the NBA in litigation and sink the 2011-2012 season.

为打击金融犯罪而采取的监管措施,对跨境汇款采用新的移动汇款技术造成了障碍。Regulations to combat financial crime have become a roadblock to the adoption of new mobile money transfer technologies for cross-border remittances.

目前我们对有关情况的细节还不得而知,不过,人们较早前推测,亚马逊的云储存和在线服务可能是潜在的障碍。We’re lacking specifics on the situation right now, but early speculation points to Amazon’s cloud storage and streaming service as a potential roadblock.