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虚拟网络路由选择?。VNR? Virtual Network Routing?

基于上下文或内容的路由。Context- or content-based routing.

动态路由与配置。Dynamic routing and configuration.

她正在旧报中搜寻。She was routing among the old newspapers.

路由是多点通信研究中的一个重要问题。Routing is an important issue in multicast.

路由群组可以由来自数个管理群组的伺服器构成。Servers can be moved between routing groups.

猪在树下用鼻子拱地觅坚果。The pig was routing for nuts under the tree.

路由和远程访问管理单元已打开。The Routing and Remote Access snap-in is open.

这种发送标准可能是静态的或动态的。The routing criteria can be static or dynamic.

传输还包括基于内容的路由功能。Transport also includes content-based routing.

时钟走线一般用那层金属,为什么?Which layer is used for clock routing and why?

中继器可配置,支持静态路由Repeater configurable and static routing feature

有不同的服务机构DTN路由协议。There are different Routing protocols for the DTN.

把引脚的通孔放在布线轨线的中心上。Center the pin via on the routing grid for its layer.

使用基于内容的断言来路由索赔请求。Use content-based assertion for routing claim requests.

本文简述了一种积木块式版图布线系统。A routing system for building-block layout is described.

让我们来看一个更具可重用性的动态路由方法。Let's look at a more re-usable dynamic routing approach.

因此必须使用第1级来实现星际间路由.This allows level 1 to be used for inter-galaxy routing.

动态路由的一个特例就是基于内容的路由。A special case of dynamic routing is content-based routing.

我不打算向同学们大声报出我的名字。I have no intention of routing out my name to the students.