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布鲁内塔17日在接受意大利RTL广播电台采访时证实了他的这一想法。He confirmed it Sunday in an interview with RTL radio.

RTL混合可满足性求解是RTL验证中的关键技术。RTL hybrid satisfiability solving is the key technique of RTL verification.

从RTL级到轻也可以由另一个关键组合。Also switching from RTL to LTR would be possible by another key combination.

荷兰RTL国际新闻台声称他们已经看过被列为是头等机密的申办文件,而且还复制了其中的几个版块。RTL news says it has seen thetop-secret documents and has photocopied several sections.

RAM的RTL模型设计为门级和物理级的性能设计提供了参考。The design of Data-RAM on gates level and physical level can be directed by this RTL module.

基于该模型,还实现了一个简单的RTL逻辑模拟程序以验证VRM模型的可行性。Based on the VRM, a simple RTL logic simulator was implemented for verification of the model.

在理论上,逻辑综合工具,保证第一网表是合乎逻辑相当于RTL源代码。In theory, a logic synthesis tool guarantees that the first netlist is logically equivalent to the RTL source code.

基于此,本文使用VHDL设计了A型卡的防冲突电路,使用RTL级波波形仿真验证了芯片的工作。Therefore, the author design an anti-collision system of Type A card with VHDL, which is tested with RTL simulating.

模拟器的运行结果与处理器RTL模型的结果进行对比,大大方便了对RTL模型的验证和查错。By comparing the trace of simulator with that of the processor RTL model, design faults can be quickly and accurately located.

人权观察发现,戒毒中心及劳动再教育中心的吸毒者受到虐待、不人道的和有辱人格的待遇。Human Rights Watch found that the detoxification and RTL centers subjected drug users to abusive, inhuman, and degrading treatment.

最后映射了大量密集计算领域的核心程序,对MASA流体系结构进行了系统的测试。At last a benchmark for Intensive processing applications has been mapped and testing on our RTL simulator to study the effect of MASA.

本论文完成了ALU运算模块和串口发送、接收模块的前仿真,基于FPGA的电路综合及后仿真验证。Then, the RTL describing of ALU and USART module of MCU has been realized. The circuits synthesizing and pre-simulation are based on FPGA.

本文对于这三个去隔行系统的关键模块都给出了RTL级设计和模块的功能仿真,并在最后一章中给出了去隔行系统的FPGA设计。The three key modules are all presented as RTL level design and module functional simulation. The deinterlacing system's FPGA design is in the last chapter.

本论文工作就是在研究和分析CLB总线协议和PVCI协议的基础上,完成CLB-PVCI总线桥的RTL设计和验证。The work of this dissertation is to complete the RTL design and verification of CLB-PVCI bus bridge after studying and analyzing the CLB bus protocol and PVCI protocol.

负责带领整个团队实施芯片的综合、静态时序分析、逻辑一致性分析、后仿真、DFT、ATE、功耗控制。从芯片实现的角度对模块的RTL代码和芯片的RTL代码进行把关。Lead ASIC frond-end design team to complete Synthesis, STA, Equivelant Check, Post Layout Simulation, DFT, ATE, Power Control. Make sure RTL code is ok for chip implement.

本算法可直接结合到现有的RTL和门级网表的验证流程中,从而提高算术电路的验证能力。The approach can be easily incorporated into existing RTL to gate equivalence checking frameworks and increase the robustness of equivalence checking for arithmetic circuits.

就在法国对利比亚采取军事行动前几天,卡扎菲在接受德国RTL电视台采访时称,我的”好朋友”萨科齐肯定是”疯了”。My "good friend" French President Nicolas Sarkozy has "gone mad, " Gaddafi said in an interview with German television channel RTL days before France launched military actions.

目前,哈恩每周的生活费为200欧元,房租一直靠母亲资助。他表示,在父母办完婚事后,他将用剩下的钱去读书并为自己买一张德国的火车通票。Hahn, who lives on 200 euros a week and has his rent paid by his mother, said he wanted to use some of the rest of the cash to finance his studies and buy a rail pass, RTL said.

文中共采用了四种设计方案来实现通用异步FIFO的RTL级设计,并进行了功能仿真和门级综合实现。In this dissertation, designed four kinds of general asynchronous FIFOs with RTL level design, function and behavior simulations, and gate level synthesis with the library of SMIC.

RTL文法适合描述数据流语言,但是异步节点的表述问题以及时间基准选择问题并未解决。Though RTL semantics can be used to describe dataflow language, some issues such as the depiction of the asynchronous node and the selection of time scale still have not been solved.