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杰克从乱成一团的运动员中把球踢出。Jack shot from out of a ruck of players.

他的才华使他从普通人群中脱颖而出。His brilliance raised him above the ruck.

他的名牌套装在腰部起了褶皱。His designer suits ruck up round his middle.

他既然攻击我,我当然还击。When he attacked me, naturally I st ruck back.

我们的小报把他们叫做“北京群欧队”。This was, as one of our tabloid newspapers had it, the "Peking Ruck".

那些在网上约会网站上找到的人并不怎么样。The ruck of men she's found through online dating services don't offer much.

部长们将发现他们的预算会在和同僚的政治纷争中敲定。Ministers will find their budgets being decided in a political ruck with their colleagues.

他的服装和英俊的身材,处处流露着一种故意装成的翩翩风度,是一种使人觉得高于一般新郎的风度。About his dress and his neat figure was that studied ease which lifts men from the ruck of common bridegrooms.

瑞士的伯尔尼、内瓦和苏黎士以及奥地利的萨尔茨堡、斯布鲁克和克拉根福都将承办此次赛事。The Swi cities of Bern, Geneva and Zurich will also host matches along with Austria' s Salzburg , I ruck and Klagenfurt.

斯图尔特禁区边缘的射门划门而过,之后埃克莱姆的射门也被门柱挡住。Stewart drilled just wide with a snapshot from the edge of the area, before Eikrem superbly negotiated a ruck of bodies and side-footed a shot against Lainton's upright.