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他说,目前,“他们只想到这里来买假货”。At present, "they want the knockoffs , " he said ruefully.

这么快就撞上金牌未免太简单了,他遗憾地告诉自己。Hitting gold so fast would have been too easy, he told himself ruefully.

我们睡眠最好的时间是在九岁和初潮期。“The best sleep we ever get is between age nine and menarchy, ” she adds ruefully.

正如质量委员会主席在感慨中所说,“仁慈和怜悯分文不费”。As the commission's chair ruefully commented, "kindness and compassion cost nothing".

艾舍登多少有点懊恼地拿出一叠钞票交给了那个墨西哥人。Ashenden somewhat ruefully took out a number of notes and handed them to the Mexican.

他悔恨地表示他将会作证证明他攻击了那几名死刑犯,以逼他们开口说话。He says ruefully that he would testify that he assaulted the condemned to make them talk.

他沮丧地摇了摇头,把蓝色药瓶放回原处,“不过,我认为你们俩之间早已经有那份纽带了。”He shook his head ruefully and put the blue vial away. "But I think you have that already."

“没人过来帮助我”他悲伤地说,“人们害怕我把我摔倒的责任推到他们身上”。"No one came to my rescue," he said ruefully. "They were afraid I'd blame them for my fall."

斯隆在赛后遗憾的说他最后应该尽力使球员在防守科比时努力造他犯规让他被罚下。Sloan later noted ruefully that in his day, he would, at least, have fouled out guarding Bryant.

他想到北平去升学,可是父亲悲叹说,再也供不起他的学费啦。When he wished to continue his studies in Peiping, his father ruefully showed him his empty purse.

“因此,我们连一点希望都没有了么?”两个人觉得绝望涌上心头。格洛亚悲伤的慢慢点了点头。"So, we have not even a little chance?" Both men feel despair now. Gloria nods slowly and ruefully.

“它对临终病人情有独钟,应该是因为临终者不会给它找什么麻烦,”我不无伤感地说道。"Maybe he just likes patients who are dying because they don't give him any trouble, " I said ruefully.

芹苴市党委主要领导人在谈起湄公河三角洲地区竞相建立工业区和工业中心时,显出了悔意。Can Tho City Party Chief speaks ruefully about the race to build IZs and industrial complexes in the Mekong Delta.

“我想帮助球队保级,但不幸的事发生了,”丧气的射手悲哀地说。"I wanted to help Empoli to survival, but unfortunately that's the way it goes, " the deflated marksman said ruefully.

“我想,在我的第二个任期,我将在外交政策方面做很多事,”2011年在白宫的一次宴会上,他沮丧地对一群史学家们说。"I guess in my second term, I'll be doing a lot of foreign policy, " he ruefully told a group of historians at a 2011 dinner at the White House.

他们并不想就进去,只是懊丧地在旁边转悠,把两手深深地插在口袋里,斜眼看着人群和逐渐亮起的一盏盏路灯。They made no effort to go in, but shifted ruefully about, digging their hands deep in their pockets and leering at the crowd and the increasing lamps.

“我才不相信你会和我结婚呢,查理,”嘉莉幽怨地说。赫斯渥最近的信誓旦旦使她有了勇气这么说。"I don't believe you ever intend to marry me, Charlie, " Carrie said ruefully. The recent protestations of Hurstwood had given her courage to say this.

人一老就开始回顾自己初中时的辉煌,同理很多投资人经常在头脑里一遍一遍地回顾之前的牛市。LIKE THE AGING HAS-BEEN WHO ruefully looks back on his glory days in high school, many investors frequently replay previous bull markets in their minds.

他忧伤他说,“你比我走运,至少还有朋友,而我,除了那个用他的有钱女人逗我发疯的小滑头以外,我身边一个人也没有。”"You're lucky, " he says ruefully . "You've got friends, at least. I haven't anybody, except that cute little prick who drives me bats about his rich cunt.

金妮经常看见那些尚未结婚的姐妹们悲伤地谈起他'如何如何',因为如果她们的父亲还健在并且仍然拥有土地的话,其中一个女孩将可以嫁给他。Ginnie often heard her unmarried sisters talk ruefully of him, of how, if only their father were alive and they still had land, one of them might marry him.