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抑或是黑暗污秽凌乱不堪的房间呢?Or, is it a rumpus room strewn of rummage?

每年,我家都要有一次弃物甩卖。Every year, our family holds a rummage sale.

天,整个房子看起来像大清仓,没错。Lord, the house looks like a rummage sale, yes.

老太太开始在口袋里摸索,找她的眼镜。The old lady began to rummage in her pocket for her spectacles.

而有的学生查阅某本书时,东找西翻,不见踪影。While some students to consult a book, rummage all over, disappeared.

蒙面人蹲下身,在巧手身上翻找,没有找到他想要的东西。Masked men squat body, who rummage in hand, did not find what he wants.

每周Filt员工都会在收集玻璃废物的垃圾桶里寻找可以做蜡烛容器的原料。Every week, the Filt-ers rummage through glass recycling bins to find containers.

该镇将举办旧货拍卖慈善募款以筹措经费兴建游民庇护所。The town is hosting a fund-raising rummage sale for charity to build a shelter home for hobos.

学生们明天将要办一场义卖会,为一位需要开刀的同学筹款。The students are holding a rummage sale tomorrow to raise money for a schoolmate who meeds an operation.

过去,如果家长们想知道他们的孩子们在干些什么,他们经常会在孩子们的衣柜里寻找线索。Used to be, if parents wanted to know what their kids were up to, they’d just rummage through their dresser drawers.

你四处翻找着那台有储能功能的便携电话机,但是太黑了,你什么都看不到。You rummage around for the non-portable phone you keep for times of power outages, but you can't find it in the dark.

奇怪的是,从那时起,世界上的银行和新闻机构都不再从清洁工对经济的预期中探寻经济前景。Strangely, since then the world’s banks and news organisations have not rushed to rummage through dustmen’s economic forecasts.

艾斯马开始在货车上翻箱倒柜,声言可能存在货车残骸中宝物的所有权。Aesma began to rummage through the caravan, claiming first right to any treasures that may have been stowed within the wreckage.

难民翻找通过第二手,都是在日惹,中爪哇2010年11月7号难民营分发衣服。Refugees rummage through second-hand clothes that were distributed at a refugee camp in Yogyakarta, Central Java November 7, 2010.

即使你头天喝得烂醉后一夜未睡,只要在出门前打开化�包,你又会像明星一样容光焕发。You wake up looking like the morning after the night before, but a quick rummage though a make-up bag and suddenly you're Kate Moss.

你把自己收藏的塑料袋翻来翻去,看哪个应该保留用来带到商店去,那些可以被牺牲扔到垃圾里面去。You rummage through your plastic bag collection to see which ones you should keep to take to the store and which can be sacrificed to garbage.

我喜爱浣熊!虽然在美国它们被视作一个大问题,因为它们总是在箱子里倒腾。这些都是很好的特写照片啊,谢谢!I love raccoons! Although in America they are considered a problem because they rummage in the bins! These are really good close-up shots, thanks!

在这样的情况下,邀请局外的评估者来彻查档案柜或者提出高难度的“万一”一类的问题要合乎清理得多。In such circumstances it makes a lot of sense to invite outside examiners to rummage about in filing cabinets and ask difficult "what if" questions.

在这些情况下,让外行人搜遍文件柜问一些难的“假如”类问题意义重大。In such circumstances it makes a lot of sense to invite outside examiners to rummage about in filing cabinets and ask difficult “what if” questions.

柏柯尔有三个年幼的孩子,他们喜欢乱翻她的手袋,因此柏柯尔喜欢至少有一个内侧口袋能用拉链拉起来的包。As the mother of three small children who like to rummage through her purse, Ms. Botkier likes at least one internal pocket to have a zipper closure.