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孙燕姿的首张专辑一炮打响。Sun's debut album was a runaway hit.

没有知识的热情犹如脱缰野马。Zeal without knowledge is a runaway.

一辆失控的汽车朝我们飞驰而来。A runaway car came hurtling towards us.

他用力抓住逃马的缰绳。He seized the reins of the runaway horse.

失去控制的牛群嗵嗵嗵地直往山下狂奔。The runaway cattle pounded down the hill.

缺乏知识之热情犹如脱缰之马。Zeal without knowledge is a runaway horse.

缺乏知识之热心犹如脱缰之马。Zeal without knowledge is a runaway horse.

怎样让脱缰之马停下---下注啊不懂好笑在哪里?How do you stop a runaway horse?Bet on him.

缺乏知识之热心犹如脱缰之马。Z Zeal without knowledge is a runaway horse.

警察迄今没抓到逃犯。The police have not found the runaway to date.

这个逃犯钻在草堆里。The runaway burrowed himself into the haystack.

脱缰之马的速度毫无价值。The speed of a runaway horse count for nothing.

那个牛仔用套索套住了那匹失控的脱缰野马。The cowboy caught the runaway horse with a rope.

脱缰之马的速度毫无价值。The speed of a runaway horse counts for nothing.

他勒住了脱缰之马受到了表扬。He was praised for bringing up the runaway horse.

投降吧林援越,你已经跑不掉了。Surrender Lin Yuanyue, you already could not runaway.

所以金星在温室效应的影响下会逐渐干枯。Hence Venus withers under a runaway greenhouse effect.

要想扩充博彩业的市场,那就去东方吧。For runaway expansion in the gambling market, look east.

一匹脱缰的马从他身上踏过,踩断了他的髋骨。A runaway horse had trampled on him and broken his hipbone.

谁能怪罪速逃星从一个不公平的打斗中逃离呢?So who can blame the runaway stars for fleeing an unfair fight?