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休假的地点也很重要。Sabbatical location is also important.

他于是在1999年带薪离职一年。He had already taken a one-year 1999 sabbatical.

明年的年修你会到其他地方去吗?。Will you go somewhere else in your sabbatical leave next year?

1984年,他周期性的到弗吉尼亚理工大学教学,从未离开。In 1984, he went on sabbatical to Virginia Tech and never left.

他在休假的一年里至少得到了三件东西There are at least three things he gets from his sabbatical years

“我找不到积极的事情”她提到她的休假。“I couldn’t find the positive thing, ” she said of her sabbatical.

在美国一所著名大学从事休假研究之后,他获得了资格。He habilitated after his sabbatical at a prestigious American university.

“休假一年使工作又重新回归到了职业,”斯迈斯特说。Sagmeister said that taking a sabbatical year makes his work a calling again.

原先打算的为期一年的公休假现在俨然已经变成了假期。What was originally intended to be a year sabbatical has now turned into a vocation.

最终,你可能换职业、开始创业或只是休假。You may even end up switching careers, starting your own business or taking a sabbatical.

在休假的一年内,他关闭自己的设计公司,不接受任何设计请求。During the sabbatical year, he closes his design company and doesn’t accept any design request.

有些人在不用说话的休假时练习,或阅读,或使用电脑。Some people practice sabbatical days where they don't speak at all, or read, or use the computer.

卡莉今年29岁,正在休公假,她在一家专门编写电影剧本的广告公司里担任公关部主管。Carrie is 29 and is on sabbatical from a job as head of PR for an advertising firm to write a film.

如果大导演马丁·斯科赛斯有办法的话,他将说服自闭的丹尼尔·戴路易斯重出江湖饰演新的角色。If Martin Scorsese has his way, Daniel Day-Lewis may soon end a self-imposed sabbatical from acting.

詹姆斯•潘特是BBC世界广播部美国区执行主编,目前在休假中。James Painter is executive editor for the Americas at the BBC World Service, currently on sabbatical.

通过简化我们的生活,付清所有债务,使我们能够骑着自行车,去获得一次长长的体验。By simplifying our lives and paying off our debt, we’ll be able to take an extended sabbatical via bicycle.

在我休年假的三个月里我甚至可以来公司使用健身器材,机器修理店和咖啡馆。I even came in to the office when I was on sabbatical for three months, to use the gym, machine shop, and cafes.

或许你希望有足够的存款去拥有六个月的长假以便能够周游世界。Maybe you want to have enough money in the bank to take a six-month sabbatical from work, so that you can travel.

因为我父亲休假的缘故,我的小学二年级有一段时间是在瑞典上的,那个时候他是一名社会学教授。And I spent part of my second grade year in Sweden, where my father was on sabbatical as a professor of sociology.

一旦提到他休假的一年,他说,接下来七年的好点子都是源自于那一年。Referring to one sabbatical year of his, he said that all the ideas in the following seven years came out from that one year.