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这个香包可以保护你。This sachet will help protect you.

每包能燃烧2000卡路里。Each Sachet Will Burn-off 2000 Calories.

我闻到一股紫罗兰香粉的淡淡的清香味儿。I caught a faint odour of violet sachet.

将液体状面膜涂抹在清洁并稍微沾湿的皮肤。Spread contents of sachet on cleansed and slightly wet skin.

她叹息的时候,呼出浓重的香粉的香气。When she sighed she exhaled a heavy perfume of sachet powder.

庆阳香包是中华民族民间文化的重要组成部分。Qing Yang sachet is an important part of Chinese folk culture.

有一缕宜人的清香从悬挂在房间中的香袋散发出来。There is a pleasing scent given off by a sachet hung in the room.

金绣衣襦,香囊结带,双双对蹴。Golden Xiuyi jacket , Sachet Ribbon, both pairs of instant success.

卧室里有茶壶、袋茶和速溶咖啡。The bedroom has a kettle with tea bag and sachet of instant coffee.

香袋产品,包装产品,薄脆饼,面包,香皂,坟香。Sachet product, packing product, Wafer, Bread, Soap, Mosquito Coils.

端午到,挂香包,吃粽子,家家户户真热闹!Dragon Boat Festival that linked Sachet , eating dumplings, every household!

讲究的人家还要给小孩子戴上五彩绳儿和香包。Pay attention to people but also to children wearing colorful rope and sachet.

随著时间的演变,现在市面上的香包外形不再只局限在传统的粽子形状。As time goes by, the shapes of sachet are not only the traditional rice-dumplings.

它通常被放在一次性的小包内,以便在原汤烹调好时被很容易地拿走。This is often placed in a sachet to make it easier to remove once the stock is cooked.

在主题关卡中,玩家还有机会获得不同款式的香包。Points in the subject, the players still have a chance to get different styles of Sachet.

如果需要喝水,你可以把包内的粉末放到舌头上然后直接喝水。If preferred, you can drink water directly after placing the contents of the sachet on your tongue.

作为民俗符号,庆阳香包以其深邃的文化内涵体现着汉民族文化心理和文化精神。As the symbol of folklore, Qingyang sachet reflects the inside mind and inspirit of Han nationality.

对庆阳香包产业化项目组织管理进行了探索与研究。It probes and researches the project organizational management of Qingyang sachet industrialization.

在葫芦香包里面缝入葫芦籽,也被认为是法力无边的护耳之宝。Sachet sewn inside the gourd into the gourd seeds, is also considered almighty treasure of ear protection.

因为在智利,咖啡就是雀巢速溶粉末加温水冲出来的液体,令人生厌。For coffee in Chile means a sachet of Nescafe and tepid water producing a lumpy gloop of extraordinary vileness.