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莎蒂怒视着他。Sadie scowled at him.

五片什么呀,亲爱的。告诉你的苏娣吧。Five what, dear? Tell your Sadie.

塞迪遇到麻烦时,总是低着头独自坐着。Sadie would sit alone and her head was bent.

好像要支开她似的,妈递给莎蒂一个扫帚。As if to be rid of her, Ma handed Sadie a broom.

我们总是在萨迪家附近停留一会。Always we make stops at the house of Sadie McKibben.

莎蒂已经开始翻口袋找钱了。Sadie was already digging in her pocket for the money.

在那里,我见到了蹲在角落里的萨蒂。There, in the very end, I saw Sadie sitting in the corner.

鲁迪是洛和前妻萨蒂·弗洛斯特所生的三个孩子中最小的一个。Rudy is one of three children that Law has with ex-wife Sadie Frost.

这是在他所住的萨迪朱兰,他的妻子的八十一年。That was where he lived with Sadie Juran, his wife of eighty-one years.

赛迪和她母亲以及仆人们——哎呀,他们简直就像是在崇拜我呀。The mother and Sadie and the servants—why, they just seemed to worship me.

赛迪·汤姆逊将由总督办公室的一名职员押送上船。Sadie Thompson was to be escorted on board by a clerk in the governor's office.

回到她的公寓里,莎蒂和公公婆婆一起看电视。Returning to her apartment, Sadie joined her in-laws, who were watching television.

我坐在门口,在萨迪送我的包装纸上写字。I sit here on the doorstep printing this on the wrapping-paper Sadie McKibben gave me.

当她伸手去拿小挎包的时候,莎蒂在试卷下发现了一本老旧残破的书。While reaching into the satchel, Sadie found an old worn book hidden under the papers.

莎蒂在女修脚师往瓷盆里倒热水时脱掉了鞋袜。Sadie removed her shoes and socks as the woman poured the boiling water into the basin.

莎蒂笑了,整个画面就好像感恩节时火鸡要被塞进烤箱的场景。Sadie smiled, thinking that the whole effect was of a Thanksgiving Day turkey trussed for the oven.

除了编写葛罗弗音乐辞典,沙迪也是有名的莫扎特专家学者,并且发行了几本有关的书籍。Outside his work on the Grove Dictionaries, Sadie was a renowned Mozart scholar, publishing several books.

我的工作计划重新步入正轨,每个人都神清气爽。实际上,几天前赛迪和一只流浪猫还打了一架,脸上留下了几道抓痕。In fact, a couple of days ago Sadie got into a scuffle with a stray cat and emerged with a few scratches on her face.

她让莎蒂坐在厨房直背的椅子上,然后她在地上放上一个大瓷盆。She asked Sadie to sit on the straight-backed chair in the kitchen, and she put a large porcelain basin on the floor.

三得利和赛迪对鸭茅的种子发芽、根长及根干重有抑制作用,却对苗生长的影响无显著差异。Sanditi and Sadie was not significant on seeding length of Dactylis glomerata L. , but it can inhibited seeding length.