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周神父在一个圣诞节报佳音活动上跳舞,很可爱。Salesian priest was dancing in a Christmas show.

周神父在一个圣诞节报佳音活动上跳舞,很可爱。A Salesian priest was dancing in a Christmas show.

我只是慈幼会学校一个平凡、开朗的学生。I was an ordinary, happy student in a Salesian school.

慈幼会图像资料库,为其中一项快速增长的项目。The Salesian Images collection is one of the fastest growing of the collections.

本条例旨在为鲍思高慈幼会香港司理成立为法团而订定条文。To provide for the incorporation of the Procurator in Hong Kong of the Salesian Society.

当地人们现正查询有关圣鲍思高、慈幼会士以及慈幼会工作的资料。The people are already asking for information about Don Bosco, his Salesians, and the Salesian work.

这些有关于慈幼会宗旨、预防教育法和支援的材料,主要用以培育平信徒。They are materials used in training lay people in Salesian principles, Preventive System and Assistance.

自从他禁食的消息传出后,陆续有教内外人士,不分年龄,在不同时段,前往慈幼会修院声援他们敬佩的陈枢机。Hundreds of people of all ages have visited the Salesian House of Studies, in front of which Cardinal Zen has staged his fast.

我国儿童节,早期为每年的4月4日,是1931年根据中华慈幼协会的建议设立的。China Children's Day, the early year of the April 4, 1931 According to the China proposed the establishment of the Salesian Society.

第141批传教士派遣礼,显示透过我们为普世青少年,尤其贫穷的青少年所付出的工作,建设教会,并成为教会一分子。The 141st Salesian Missionary Expedition, shows that we, through our commitment to the young of the world especially the poor, are and make the Church.

据慈幼会提供的消息,五十七岁的费尔南德斯神父廿七日从车站致电告诉他们,很快就会到家。According to Salesian sources, the 57-year-old priest had called them on October 27 from the station to inform them that he would arrive shortly in Guwahati.

然而,后来有身分不明的人发信息给鲍思高堂另一位神父,说费尔南德斯神父已在西孟加拉与比哈尔邦交界的一间医院里逝世。However, a text message that followed from an unidentified person to a Salesian priest in Tura said Fr Fernandes had died in a hospital at Kishanganj on the West Bengal-Bihar border.

汽车后座上还坐着两位同属撒勒爵会的修女,一位65岁,另一位78岁,她们一听到在奥斯塔附近度假的教皇本笃十六世滑倒的消息,就在都灵跳上了车。In the back were two fellow Salesian nuns, aged 65 and 78, who had jumped in the car in Turin when news broke of Pope Benedict's fall near Aosta, where he is spending his summer holiday.

这个主题的意念是从积极的生活和慈幼会传统中的家庭精神出发,以达致「今日的家庭」的使命。The idea of the theme is to begin with the positive, lived experience of family life precisely as part of our Salesian tradition, in order to arrive at "family today" as a mission field.