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中国最大的内陆湖泊和咸水湖。China's largest inland saltwater lake.

但我已经买了咸水湖鱼鳔。But I've already bought a saltwater fly rod.

为什么咸水鱼在淡水中过的不舒服。Why saltwater fish are unhappy in fresh water.

青海湖是中国最大的咸水湖。The Qinghai Lake is the largest saltwater lake in China.

正是79-82年的滞胀,使我成为了一个笃诚的“咸水派经济学家”2。It was 79-82 that made me a convinced saltwater economist.

佛罗里达是众所周知的渔业及咸水鱼飞。Florida is known for its saltwater fishing and fly fishing.

青海湖是中国最大的内陆咸水湖。Qinghai Lake is the largest inland saltwater lake in China.

如果你有淡水和盐水接触面,就能增加能量。If you have a freshwater and saltwater interface, that can add energy.

这是导致咸水鱼,在淡水中死亡的原因,对吗?This is what drives the death of saltwater fish in fresh water, right?

整个套房由带有海水游泳池的天台环绕。It is crowned by a rooftop terrace with an outdoor saltwater swimming pool.

盐水在小潮期间向上游推进,在大潮期间向下游推移。The saltwater moves upstream during neap and downstream during spring tide.

用温盐水漱口有助于舒缓喉咙痒痛,据中央社报道。Gargling with warm saltwater helps relieve a soar throat, according to WebMD.

人们知道,盐水泥浆对钻具有很强的腐蚀作用。Saltwater mud is known to have a very strong corroding effect on drill string.

它也是一款非常优秀的轻型海水竿,适合钓红鱼等。But it also makes a very nice light saltwater rod for snook, redfish and specs.

来自海洋、咸水湖或小规模的海中的盐水可以用来制盐。Salt water from the ocean, saltwater lakes or small seas can be used to make salt.

渔业及咸水鱼飞取决于你选择了一年时间。Fly fishing and saltwater fishing are your choices depending on the time of the year.

最佳型船近岸海水钓鱼船湾是一个基本的单位或船。The best type of vessel for inshore saltwater fishing is a basic bay boat or flat boat.

一个盐水钓鱼杆往往是作为基本滴管循环钻机操纵着称的设置。A saltwater fishing pole is often rigged in a setup known as the basic dropper loop rig.

大马哈鱼在淡水中出生,但它们成年后的大多数时光却是在咸水里度过的。Pacific salmon are born in fresh water, but spend most of their adult lives in saltwater.

孩子们在阿曼海岸线上的一个天然喷水口的水花中玩耍。Children revel in the spray of saltwater from a natural blowhole on the coastline of Oman.