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“沙龙”还是“纱笼”?。Salon or Sarong?

很多人,包括妇女和男子都穿一种叫做腰布的围裙。Many, both women and men wear a sarong called longyi.

没有任何一位时尚名人真正穿上过土耳其长袍或者印度沙龙。No one of any style repute actually wears a kaftan or a sarong.

成内亚说道,边从围裙的缠结里面翻出一张脏兮兮的纸条。He brought out a dirty piece of paper from the knot on his sarong.

纱笼是一个披着裙子腰部多次包装。A sarong is a draped skirt that wraps around the waist several times.

一位名叫达西亚特的居民头戴穆斯林的帽子,身着穆斯林纱笼。One resident called Dahiryart wore a typical Muslim hat and a Sarong.

没有什么比有一位不请自来的身着豹纹纱笼的旁观者更浪漫的事了。Nothing says romance like an uninvited onlooker in a leopard print sarong.

了解如何从一个时装专家在这个自由与时尚设计视频纱笼裙的设计技巧。Learn how to draw a sarong skirt design with tips from a fashion expert in this free fashion design video.

这个搭配比当下大多女性在度假时穿的宽大布裙要优雅得多。The ensemble is far more elegant than the bulky sarong adopted by too many female holidaymakers these days.

一个骑着单车的人突然停在了小屋外,他和村子里的其它男人的衣着风格一样,穿着一件蓝格的围裙和T恤。A cyclist, wearing a chequered-blue sarong and T-shirt, the attire of many village men, pulls up outside the hut.

他愤愤不平的嘟囔着,离开了那房子,他把钱折成一沓,塞到纱笼的结里。As he left the house, grumbling and sulking, he folded the money into a wad, then tied it into a knot on his sarong.

闲逛斯里兰卡街市时,与穿纱笼的男子女子擦肩而过的感觉真好!When strolls the Sri Lankan downtown, the feeling which with puts on the male female who sarong brushes past to be really good!

可以将比基尼打个结或围一个纱笼裙,裙摆偏向侧面,一定要高开叉,这样既能稍微遮住臀部又能显得腿长。To conceal your hips, tie the bikini or a sarong with the ends drifting down one side of your body and opt for wedges to lengthen your legs.

以新潮发型、钻石耳钉和在海滩穿着布裙而著名的小贝就是“都市中性男”的典型代表。Beckham, famed for his fashionable hairstyles, diamond stud earrings and for wearing a sarong on the beach, is a metro*ual style icon par excellence.

以新潮发型、钻石耳钉和沙滩布裙闻名的贝克汉姆就是都市美男的典型代表。Beckham, famed for his fashionable hairstyles, diamond stud earrings and for wearing a sarong on the beach, is a metrosexual style icon par excellence.

融合环保与她的文化,印尼设计师妮塔也使用改过的传统纱笼染布,设计了一套称为“拯救我的森林”的服装。Fusing environmentalism with her culture indonesian designer nita azhar also used reclaimed traditionally dyed sarong known as batik to put together an outfit named "save my forest".