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这一趋势的转变已转化为顶级品牌的销售收益。The sartorial shift has translated into sales gains for top brands.

裁剪技术依赖于经过几何测量的美丽胴体。Sartorial techniques insist on the beauty of a geometrically measurable body.

但是那些对`禁止睡衣`持反对意见的人则大胆的说出了他们对衣着喜好的支持。But opponents of the pyjama purge spoke out in support of their sartorial preferences.

但在世界的许多地方,你选择的服装可能招致罚款、坐牢或者更糟。But in many places around the world, your sartorial choices can get you fined, imprisoned, or worse.

最初,他们是以手工为其主要的谋生手段的,如理发,补鞋,裁缝。Original, they plan unripe measure basically with be its by hand, be like tonsorial , filling shoe, sartorial.

在这样一场结果由内部人士决定的竞赛中,读者们只能凭小道消息自己猜度结局啦。Emmys. Once again, in a competition that's decided by insiders, the readers weighed in on the sartorial standoff.

一些失去工作的女性对自己过去在穿着打扮方面的随意颇为追悔。Some of the women who have lost their jobs find themselves second-guessing any sartorial liberties they did take.

夏晓云也因这个事件被迫从公司辞职,到裁缝铺去做服装。Xia Xiaoyun also is forced to resign from the company because of this incident, go making clothing to sartorial shop.

政客们穿上牛仔裤是传递亲民的讯息,但也更容易犯穿衣禁忌。Jeans can send out a powerful egalitarian message, but are far more likely to be a sartorial deathtrap for politicians.

她有一整个创作班底为她裁剪服装,设计舞台布景——每一首歌曲都像一部戏剧作品。She has a whole team of people working on her sartorial creations and stage sets – every song's a theatrical production.

这些衣服设计是清朝时期混合汉人及满族统治者风格的代表。The outfit was a sartorial representation of the merging of the Han Chinese and the Manchu rulers during the Qing dynasty.

但是,对那些想确保他们的服装风格被他们的子女所继承的人来讲,有足够多的品牌可供选择。But for those who want to ensure that their sartorial style is inherited by their children there are plenty of labels from which to choose.

此外,就像同一块布料,由好裁缝和一般的裁缝缝制出来的衣服档次相差悬殊一样。In addition, resemble be the same as a cloth, the dress class six to one that comes out by good tailor and general sartorial tailor is same.

米德尔顿在伯克郡长大,她时常被拿来和戴安娜王妃相比,不管是服装的选择和对媒体的反感方面。Middleton, who grew up in Berkshire, has drawn numerous comparisons to Princess Diana, from her sartorial choices to her aversion to the press.

事实上通常相比起有带光泽的黑色,我们更倾向于棉质,但是比宝却用他有如裁缝般的直觉和品位避开了一堆有气无力的建议。We'd prefer one that's cotton rather than black and shiny, but the fact he dodged a floppy-as-hell number speaks volumes to his sartorial instincts.

好裁缝跟雕塑家、画家和音乐家一样,梦想着能在世人灵魂中引起反响的作品。The sartorial artist no less than the sculptor, the painter and the musician dreams of creations that will awaken a response in the soul of the world.

跟随着妈妈维多利亚·贝克汉姆的脚步,小哈珀已经在各大摩登秀场开始了她的时尚课程。She's already begun her sartorial education by attending some of the world's most-coveted fashion shows alongside her designer mummy, Victoria Beckham.

H1N1抓住美国人的神经以及美国人的免疫系统才仅仅一个星期,这一“衣饰抹布”就已经在货架上满天飞了。It's been barely a week since the H1N1 virus seized hold of America's attention and immune systems, and the sartorial scrubs are already flying off the shelves.

中年,中等个,中等身材,佩雷斯穿着一贯穿的蓝色衬衫、蓝色领带和深灰色西服,曾有几次惹眼地选了件蓝色外套。Middle-sized, middle-height, middle-aged, he was wearing his usual blue shirt, tie and dark grey suit, though he has been known in moments of sartorial rashness to switch to a blue blazer.

虽然节目单还处于严格保密的状态,但是如果郎朗真的参加演出,在穿着上他一定会选择sartorial系列的服饰,就像约翰米尔顿在演唱“再见黄砖路”时的风格。The program is a closely held secret. But, if Lang does play, one can assume that his costume will tend toward the Elton John circa “Goodbye Yellow Brick Road” end of the sartorial spectrum.