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你喜欢甜食还是咸食?Do you prefer sweet or savoury food?

我想要一份开胃菜与鱼餐。Small savoury biscuits provide a simple appetizer.

酒体适中,蕴含清新浆果口感,单宁十分可口。Mid weight & fresh berry-fruit palate with savoury tannin.

营养丰富又美味的锅底汤要等到最后才能吃。The rich and savoury broth is eaten at the end of the meal.

然后就可在圆球内加入甜的或咸的馅料。Then you can fill tangyuan with either sweet or savoury fillings.

充满了味道浓郁的细碎肉的蒸饺,太好吃了。Steamed dumpling filled with savoury mince, a Chinese rissole, too good.

所以我设法换了一个话题,问他喜欢吃糕饼吗?Instead, I tried to change the subject. Did he like cakes or savoury pastries?

在真理上,忧伤是不值得拥有的,但是若把它辛酸的部分去掉,或许会别有一番风味。In truth sorrow is not desirable, but taken apart its pungency may appear savoury.

沾了油荤的美味食物的香味混合着烟味。The pleasant odour of the savoury and greasy mess blended with the smell of smoke.

新的公众需要比文绉绉的夫子所提供的更有味道的作品。Still the new public wanted something more savoury than its elegant teachers had given.

有很多冰淇淋、果冻、奶油蛋糕及其他东西,但没有一样是美味可口的。There was plenty of ice cream, jellies , cream cakes, and all that, but nothing savoury.

但也有人喜欢由肉、香菇和青菜做成的咸味馅料。But some people prefer the savoury fillings made from meat, mushroom and green vegetables.

打开酒瓶可以闻到一阵辛辣味和巧克力味。Once the wine is allowed to open up, a mélange of savoury spices and mint chocolate are released.

加点小蘑菇开胃,整瓣整瓣的大蒜,和少许意大利干酪。The savoury quotient came from small mushrooms, whole peeled garlic cloves and a little parmesan.

最好是搭配有咸辣味的前菜,稍微清淡的烤肉类或者是重烹调的鱼类。As an accompanist it is best suited to savoury meals , gently roasted meat and hearty meals of fish.

一个不加盐软白干酪自行送达或咸味或甜馅饼使用,就像Mizithra。An unsalted soft white cheese served on its own or used in savoury or sweet pies, just like Mizithra.

成熟的李子、黑莓等果香在微妙含蓄的清香及橡木带来的香草味道衬托下更为显著。Ripe plum and blackberry fruit characters are enhanced with savoury undertones and sweet vanillin oak.

你去把野兽带来,作成美味给我吃,我好在未死之先,在耶和华面前给你祝福。Bring me venison, and make me savoury meat, that I may eat, and bless thee before the LORD before my death.

果味四溢,中度至厚身的酒体,余味有胡椒的辛辣味充满口腔。More savoury than fruity, the wine has a medium to full- bodied palate, with a mouth-filling peppery finish.

入口合宜,柔顺,果香浓郁,风味极佳,带有一丝矿物味和雅致的清新。The attack is pleasing and soft, fruity, savoury and mouth filling. Touches of minerality and a gentle freshness.