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诗篇是孩子们祈祷的另一圣经资源。The Psalms are another resource for Scriptural prayer for kids.

这些就是出于圣经的原因去试验启发课程。These, then, are the Scriptural reasons for examining the Alpha Course.

从一次圣经研究中得益最多的方法和工具是什么呢?What are the best methods and tools for getting the most from a scriptural study?

因此为何人们讲出来的东西会当作从神而来的真理而没有任何圣经基础。Thus what men say is taken on board as the truth of God without any Scriptural ground.

例如他们可能说某些圣经创造的说明就是一个隐喻。They may say, for example, that a certain scriptural account of creation is a metaphor.

第一个被认为是规范性奉献服务,或者说是根据经文规定来爱神。The first is known as vaidhi-bhakti, or love of God qualified by scriptural injunctions.

上帝是经文的作者,以基督为中心是解读经文的关键。God is the author of the text, the centrality of Christ as key for scriptural interpretation.

许多圣经学者宣传发现了来自圣经的坚实证据,认为被提应在2005年10月来到。Anumber of Bible scholars found firm scriptural evidence that theRapture would happen in October of 2005.

不过,在查验圣经的证据之前,有些澄清需要加以强调,以避免误解。Before examining the Scriptural evidence for this, however, some clarifications need to be emphasized to avoid misunderstanding.

但是,蛇,他在圣经历史的古隆起骄傲,是严格正统的,不接受科学的观点。But the Snake, proud of his ancient eminence in Scriptural history, was strictly orthodox, and did not accept the scientific view.

查看这个网站的参考资料,他们否认一些圣经的教导,例如给小孩子们施洗的权利。Read this reference with discernment. They deny some scriptural teachings, such as the saving power of Baptism for small children.

因此他意识到经文陈述的意义,那就是每一个死在贝拿勒斯的人都会通过湿婆的优雅而获得拯救。Thus he realized the significance of the scriptural statement that anyone dying in Benares attains salvation through the grace of Siva.

在更多的方面,争论遍及各种公共政策——从战争到非法移民——人们越来越多地从圣经中引经据典。More broadly, arguments over public policies – from war to illegal immigration – are increasingly being infused with scriptural justifications.

讨论圣经关于处理「性」的指引及如何保持思想清洁,并讨论约会时应做和不应做的事。Discuss Scriptural guidelines that will help you cope with your sexuality and keep your thought-life clean. Discuss intelligently the "do ' s" and " don'ts " of dating.

藏传佛教中,也有着大量的经文、仪轨,经由诸多伟大的精神导师一直传承下来,他们为我们留下了经典和仪轨,让我们去学习和祈祷。In Tibetan Buddhism there are a large number of scriptural texts that have come down through various spiritual beings who have left them for us to study and supplicate.

海员生命线购买圣经、福音手册和空白磁碟片等的经济支源,基本上是从上述三个中国教会和明湖中国教会而来。LTS gets all her material supplies such as Bibles, Scriptural booklets, and blank DVDs mainly from the three Chinese churches mentioned above and Clear Lake Chinese Church.

改革宗进入基督论和三一的奥秘的出发点见证拿撒勒人耶稣的生命,死与复活。The starting point of the Reformed approach to Christology and the mystery of the Trinity is the scriptural witness to the life, death and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth.

在详细说明圣灵的工作在圣灵里的名字和称呼后,亚他那修现在开始着重在圣经将圣灵连于子的模式。Having elaborated on the names and designations of the Spirit's work in the Scriptures, Athanasius now focuses on the scriptural patterns of correlating the Spirit and the Son.

慈运理同意神有能力让同一个身体同时出现在不同地方,但是他在圣经中看不到这个证据,说明这会发生在主的晚餐中。Zwingli agreed that God has the power to make a body be in different places at the same time, but he saw no Scriptural proof to indicate that this happens in the Lord's Supper.

在此基础上和其他圣经读,茨温利收取的教堂布道的教义和做法偏离了广泛的从简单的基督教的圣经。On the basis of these and other scriptural readings, Zwingli charged in sermons that church teachings and practice had diverged widely from the simple Christianity of the Holy Writ.