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希捷或西数硬盘驱动器?。Seagate or Western Digital Hard Drive?

希捷曾经有过向私募基金公司出售的举动。Seagate has taken the private equity option before.

同样在这里我们可以看到OCZ的灵活性轻松击败了希捷。Again here we can see the OCZ agility easily beats the Seagate.

如果你有任何问题,请联系希捷中国人力资源部。If you have any questions, please contact Seagate China HR department.

独特的希捷酒店是一家豪华德尔雷海滩度假胜地。Unique and decadent, The Seagate Hotel & Spa is a luxury Delray Beach resort.

经过多年的发展,营造了以面向全国的希捷硬盘销售渠道。After years of development, to create a nation of Seagate hard disk sales channels.

希捷公司在慎重考虑后,决定仍然作为一家上市公司进行运作。After considering its options, Seagate has decided to stick it out as a public company.

如果iPad侵占硬盘市场,西部数据、希捷等公司将纷纷受到影响。If the iPad cannibalizes these markets, companies like Western Digital and Seagate would suffer.

我们知道它,甚至是另一个即将成为告密者的人和我一起直接牵涉/参与进了希捷工程。We know it, and even another soon-to-be-whistleblower was directly involved with Project Seagate with me.

希捷工程是一个重大的工程项目,它有一个巨大的地下基地位置,那里的人员工作在许多不同的次级项目中。Project Seagate was a major project with a huge underground base location and they were working on many different sub-projects.

更大的将要发生于美**国,所有这些恐**怖**事**件都是为了引发也**门的“反恐战争”,继而他们就可以对这个海上的星**门有所行**动。Something else big is going to happen in the United States and it's all being done to invoke this "war on terror" in Yemen, for movement with this seagate.

希捷的成功依靠的是一支技能出众和甘于奉献的员工队伍,同时,公司通过有效的培训和开发计划,致力于培养员工、造就人才。Company's success is due to its skilled, dedicated employees, and Seagate in turn is committed to helping them grow and succeed through development and training.

当英特尔在周二乐观的面对分析师们的质疑时,存储制造商西捷调低了公司本季度的营收预期。While Intel was optimistic in the face of skeptical questioning from analysts Tuesday, storage manufacturer Seagate lowered its forecast for the current quarter.

希捷公司坚信人员是最大的竞争优势,致力于供给一个布满挑战、富有立异意识的情况。Seagate believes that people are the competitive advantage. The company offers daily challenges, creative environment and a deep commitment to future of employees.

在最近的几年中,作为最大的硬盘生产商之一,希捷目睹了自己在消费者和商业PC销售中份额的下降。In the last few years, as one of the largest hard-drive makers in the world, Seagate has seen its business take a hit from the drop in consumer and corporate PC sales.

在永无止境的追求,是数据存储在今年进入希捷计划推出一个庞大的存储空间3TB的硬盘,价值上一个新的水平更高。The never ending quest for data storage is to enter the next level later on this year when Seagate plans to launch a hard drive with a mammoth 3TB worth of storage on it.

如昔,希捷耻获了福布斯纯志命名的“2006年度公司”的声誉,并取得“电子设计最好雇主百强”第二名的枯毁。Seagate Technology was named the "2006 Company of the Year" by Forbes magazine. In 2007, Seagate is listed as 2nd employer of the ' Top 100 Employer in Electronic Design'.

其他生产商如希捷和迈拓在低噪音的液态轴承应用上已经迈开了一大步,这显得WD的硬盘高出平均噪音水平一截。Other manufacturers such as Seagate and Maxtor liquid in the low-noise bearing applications has been a big step forward, it seems WD hard drive part of the noise level higher than the average.

在科学应用国际公司、波音、开拓重工、希捷及其他夥伴公司的高阶主管走进会议室的同时,团队核心成员之一的研究生古提瑞兹就将论文影本发给他们。Alex Gutierrez, one of the graduate students at the core of the team, hands out copies to executives from SAIC, Boeing, Caterpillar, Seagate and other corporate partners as they enter the room.