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倘若如此,势必成为反击法国世俗主义的一记重拳。If this happens, it will represent a counterpunch to French secularism.

但他有力地驳斥了某些后启蒙时代世俗主义的拙劣版本。But he picks apart some crude versions of post-Enlightenment secularism.

世俗主义也并不像许多知识分子想象得那么现代,相反,多极主义才是。Secularism was not as modern as many intellectuals imagined, but pluralism is.

没有充分的证据表明正发党在执政期间试图颠覆世俗主义。And there is scant evidence that AK has used its time in office to subvert secularism.

让腐败、专制、漠然和伪世俗主义见鬼去!Lets rid it from the evils of corruption, unaccountability, apathy and pseudo secularism.

圣经的福音与传统的宗教及世俗主义有明显的分别。The biblical gospel differs markedly from traditional religions as well as from secularism.

不管是在英国还是法国,对于今天的世俗主义鼓吹者来说,这都是一个极大的讽刺。And this is the grand irony to the advocacy of secularism today, whether in France or Britain.

复兴党的世俗性也推动了伊拉克朝现代化方向发展,比如跨宗教通婚和科学教育。Baathist secularism promoted such modernising trends as inter-faith marriage and scientific education.

相对主义者和反超自然主义者或世俗论者都会摧毁“非洲性”,它们都在除掉非洲人的“非洲性”。And relativism and de-supernaturalism or secularism would ruin Africa-ness, it removes their Africa-ness.

部分反应可能归因于土耳其传统社会和经济精英的激进世俗主义。Part of the reaction can be attributed to the radical secularism of Turkey's traditional social and economic elite.

看起来这种手法使得许多美国右翼感到恐惧,因为这些美国右翼习惯于攻击摩尔为左翼世俗主义的象征。The tactic appears to have unnerved many on America's right wing, who are used to attacking Moore as a symbol of leftwing secularism.

埃尔多安告诉私营的“梦想”电视频道说“不要厌恶世俗化,我希望埃及可以确立世俗政权”。"Do not be wary of secularism. I hope there will bea secular state in Egypt, " Erdogan told private television channel Dreamon Monday.

"业余性"是知识分子再现的全新角度和有效手段,文学批评应该立足于"世俗性"。Amateurism is a brand new perspective and an effective mode to represent intellectuals. Literary criticism should be rooted in secularism.

在法国,尼古拉斯·萨科齐投身到一场持续的关于法国人价值观,特别是该国所热衷的世俗主义的辩论中。And in France, Nicolas Sarkozy has been engaged in an ongoing debate about Gallic values, particularly the country's devotion to secularism.

于是,中国民间祭祀便自然从神圣走向了世俗。民间祭祀神佛形象的世俗化即为其表现之一。Therefore sacrifice activities among the people become secular and the secularism of sacrifice to divine beings is one of its expressive forms.

世俗主义的兴起主要来源于神性的俗化、市场意识的启蒙和商业精神的发端这三方面。The boom of secularism stems from the secularization of divinity, the enlightenment of market consciousness and the inchoation of commercial spirit.

然而最具有讽刺意味的是,这样一种对于世俗主义和启蒙价值的黑白颠倒,正是在启蒙的名义之下进行的,而且在整个欧洲大陆上,没有引起什么好奇和关注。Yet this perversion of secularism and Enlightenment values, in the name, ironically, of Enlightenment, is also not some sort of continental curiosity.

流亡的反思、知识分子的再现和业余者的世俗性是萨义德主体文化批评理论的三个重要组成部分。Reflections on exile, representations of the intellectuals and secularism of the amateurs are the three major parts of Said's cultural critical theory.

学术德国似乎是理想的选择来实现基督教古老的理想,学术德国似乎就是人道主义的欧洲来因对世俗挑战。The scholarly German appeared to be the ideal choice to shore up an ancient ideal of a Christian, humanist Europe against the challenges posed by secularism.

混杂着国大党、配额制和国大党牌世俗主义的国家永远不会繁荣,更不用说成为超级大国!别在这种浮渣报告中浪费时间了!!A country with this deadly mix of Congress, quota & Congress brand of secularism can never prosper, leave alone become a super power ! Stop wasting time on such scum ! !