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休闲文化具有诗性和世俗性双重品格。Leisure culture is characteristic of both poetry and secularity.

世俗性这也是岭南文化主要特征之一。Secularity This is also one of the main characteristics of Lingnan culture.

寒山诗分为雅、俗两类,俗体诗表现出世俗性与叙事性的特点。Han Shan's popular poems are provided with the features of secularity and narration.

现代性的核心理念为理性、主体性和世俗性。The core concept of modernity is focused on rationality, subjectivity and secularity.

在接受与拒绝、崇拜和嘲弄间,乔伊斯逐渐从宗教走向世俗,转而成为艺术的使徒。He turned his mind from religion to secularity step by step, at last, became a priest of art.

唐代菩萨像由于突出了现实社会中女性美的特征,因此多有一种亲切温柔和贴近人间之感。The Bodhisattva's images highlight the feminine beauty, hence emit a sense of tenderness and secularity.

这一特质,决定了其深层的世俗性与神圣性的二维精神结构及其张力。This particularity determined its deep dual spirit structure and tension between secularity and sacredness.

千百年来,“两世”思想已经浸润了穆斯林的思想和行为,在各个方面对他们都起着极为重大的影响和作用。Since several centuries, the idea of Secularity and Aftenvorld has soaked in the thinking and behavior of Muslim.

“两世”思想是伊斯兰教教义的重要组成部分,是伊斯兰教的基本精神和灵魂。The idea of Secularity and Afterworld is an important segment of Teachings of Islam, which is also the pith and soul of Islam.

由此逐步完善了中国语文教育现代性的内涵——一种以语文教育的科学性、民主性和世俗性等为基本内核的价值体系。The educational modernity of Chinese is a kind of value system mainly based upon scientificity, democracy and secularity of education of Chinese language.

寺子屋发源于15世纪后期寺院的世俗性教育,其本质是民间自发性的私立教育组织。Although the terakoya sprang from the temple's secularity education in the 15th century, its entity was the private education organization which was born in folk by idiopathic.

第三,对“两世”思想中的两个重要问题,即“吉哈德”和“终极关怀”,进行了探析,并进一步阐释了现实生活中的“两世”观。Thirdly, it gives accurate analysis to the two important problem of the idea Secularity and Afterworld , namely al-Jihad and ultimate caring, it expounds this idea in the life farther.

中世纪晚期西欧基督教视觉艺术由于经济、政治、思想、文化等非艺术因素的改变而呈现了世俗化的特征。Because of the change of the nonsart factor including economy, politics, thought, culture and so on in the period of the late Medieval, the Christian visible art appeared to secularity character.