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我决不会和这么自私的家伙合作。I will never cooperate with such a sel sh guy.

请确实在贵方的汇票上,附上整套装船文件。Please be sure to attach a full sel of shipping documents to your draft.

将炒好的鸡蛋舀在面包片上,撒上盐和胡椒。Spoon scrambled eggs atop toasts. Sprinkle with more fleur de sel and pepper.

盖与壳身之间设有密封圈,并用不锈钢螺钉紧固。Between cover and shell body is arranged sel washer fastened by stainless screw.

然后,将芦笋薄片放置在盘子的一旁,并用“盐之花”海盐及埃斯普莱特辣椒调味。Place on one side of the plate and season with "fine fleur de sel" sea salt and Espelette pepper.

任何一位称职的食物挑剔者都能滔滔不绝地说出一些他认为没有降价的食物,但却忽略了廉价的食品。Any food snob worth his sel de mer can tick off a few products that he'd rather do without than switch to a cheaper alternative.

当人们并不强调社交和情绪能力时,魏斯伯格提醒道,孩子、家长、教师和社会会为此付出极高的代价。When SEL is not emphasized, warns Weissberg, the price children, their parents, teachers, and society pay can be exorbitantly high.

供奉希腊女神阿尔忒弥斯的雄伟大理石神庙,于公元前550年在以弗所,即今天土耳其的斯卡克镇附近竣工。The great marble temple dedicated to the Greek goddess Artemis was completed around 550 B. C. at Ephesus, near the modern-day town of Sel?uk in Turkey.

但法国厨师们已经掌握了美式食品的精髓,他们自己制作,吸收了高卢风味,如加入了酸黄瓜,新鲜百里香等。But as French chefs have embraced the quintessentially American food, they have also made it their own, incorporating Gallic flourishes like cornichons, fleur de sel and fresh thyme.

这里的肉包馅汁更多,面条更筋道,黄油点心带着咸咸的海苔味,就跟正宗的法式曲奇一定撒着一层法国盐花一样。The dumplings are juicier here, the noodles springier , the butter cookies flavored with a bit of salty green seaweed, as a cookie at a French bakery might be sprinkled with fleur de sel.