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伟大的第一车手小工具很多感官。Great first rider with plenty of sensorial gadgets.

色彩方面主要有利于表达感情的白色系及触感轻柔的清淡色调。The colour range is made of emotional whites and sensorial pastels.

双壳贝的头很小,没有特化的感觉器官。The head is small and it does not feature specific sensorial organs.

该模型是基于最高20分,分为4个感官评定等级。This model is based on 4 sensorial experiences rated by maximum 20 points.

有时人们认为数学教具是神奇的事物。Sometimes people think there is something magic about sensorial math materials.

最后指出了智能仿生腿在信息交互、感知、能源动力等方面的发展动向。Finally the development trend at the aspect of sensorial and energy of IBPL is pointed out.

如果你走运的话,你可以抬起一只手,让五指张开去感觉一下胜利。If you're fortunate, you've got one hand raised, five fingers splayed in sensorial triumph.

该作品的价值是通过作品提供的感性和智性的经验得以判断的。The value of the piece is justified by the sensorial and intellectual experience it proposes.

感官教育对智力落后儿童的智力发展有重要作用。The sensorial education plays an important role in the development of mentally retarded children.

残奥会是一种为身体,智力和感觉有障碍的运动而举办的多项运动会。The Paralympic Games are a multi-sport event for athletes with physical, mental and sensorial disabilities.

残奥会是一种为身体,智力和感觉有障碍的运动员而举办的多项运动会。The Paralympic Games are a multi-sport event for athletes with physical, mental and sensorial disabilities.

论文对蒙台梭利关于幼儿感官教育理论和方法进行了论述。The paper puts forward and discusses the theories and methods of Montessori on sensorial education of children.

传统的肉品由于其典型的感官特性以及天然的来源而受消费者的欢迎。Traditional meat products are apptrciated among consumers by their typical sensorial characteristics and natural origin.

这同时也是设计史上一个具有非凡外观又能高度感受自然特性从而挑起强烈的感官刺激的一个里程碑。It is a landmark with a remarkable appearance and highly proprioceptive nature provoking an intense sensorial stimulation.

临床表现以发热、腹泻、肢体感觉障碍、深部腱反射减弱或消失为主。The main clinic signs were fever, diarrhea, sensorial disorder of extremity, weakened or disappeared deep tendinous reflect.

如今我们已爱上了未来。我们在期盼着一个充满诗意、乌托邦式的未来世界,我们的生活随处可见感觉方面的创新和浪漫的诗意。Here we are in love with the future. We are dreaming of a poetic and utopic future world, made of sensorial innovation and poetry.

他在影像中找出能够产生感性颤动的物理性皱摺,一种肉体与物质的合金。H's looks for in the images the physical fold that can produce the sensorial vibrations, one kind of eutectic of flesh and material.

艺术家们有了它,就能将五彩斑斓的大自然真实展现啦。With color picker, all range of artists will be able to cerate a more sensorial and visual insight of their surrounding nature's colors.

深度报道事实能够孕育社会意见,其孕育过程分为“内在意见外在化、非理性意见理性化、繁杂意见清晰化”三个阶段。This process can be distinguished three phases, which are the externalism of opinion, sensorial opinion turning to rational opinion and opinion's perspicuity.

虚拟现实是由电脑制作的多维感官的环境,用户可以在这个虚拟环境中扮演一个角色特定的工具。Virtual reality is the multi-dimensional sensorial environment produced by the computer, Users can play a part in this virtual environment by particular tools.