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今天六月十七号。It's June the seventeenth.

这是十七世纪的景象This is the seventeenth century.

第十七层全部为居住房。The seventeenth floor is entirely residential.

第十七届演讲比赛定于十一月份。The seventeenth speech contest is in November.

这在17世纪算很高了。So that was very tall in the seventeenth century.

第十七是希悉,第十八是哈辟悉。The seventeenth to Hezir, the eighteenth to Aphses.

第十七届奥运会就在那里举行。The seventeenth Olympic Games were held there in 1960.

17世纪以前,撇号很少被运用。Before the seventeenth century the apostrophe was rare.

17世纪开始,哈蜜瓜列为新疆贡品。Beginning in seventeenth Century, Xinjiang as a tribute melon.

英国十七世纪玄学派诗人乔治·赫伯特以写宗教诗著称。George Hebert belongs to the metaphysical school of the seventeenth century.

它在十七世纪显著的成长,得益于全球贸易It grows dramatically because of this global trade in the seventeenth century.

我知道这个在十七世纪和我们国家的赛伦非常流行。We know this famously in the seventeenth century and in our own country at Salem.

十七那天,他开始去拉车,赁的是“整天儿”。On the seventeenth day of the month, he started pulling once more round the clock.

第十七届国际艾滋病大会于8月在墨西哥城举行。The seventeenth International AIDS Conference took place in Mexico City in August.

其中方密之先生传由十七世纪著名思想家王夫之所作。The biography was written by Wang Fuzhi, a great thinker of the seventeenth century.

到了第16和17世纪,人们对古典作品感兴趣。In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, people became interested in the classics.

攻击并未太慢开始,早在十七世纪就开始了。The attack began not all that long ago, really only as late as the seventeenth century.

仅在十七世纪中叶,这里就开凿了,五百英里的人工运河You have 500 miles of canals dug just in the middle decades of the seventeenth century.

奥斯罗是公认的研究十七世纪英国散文大师托马斯·布朗爵士的权威。Osler is known as an authority on Sir Thomas Browne, seventeenth century English prose master.

在十七世纪初,人们对于性似乎都普遍地坦荡荡。At the beginning of the seventeenth century a certain frankness was till common, it would seem.