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真相无法性别歧视。The truth cannot be sexist.

释迦牟尼佛是男性至上主义者吗?Was the Lord Buddha a sexist?

首先,难以置信其中的性别歧视。First, it's incredibly sexist.

或许他们发现国外的文化中性别歧视更轻。Perhaps they find the culture less sexist.

大凡男权社会的男人,都有这种通病。In a sexist male society, that's a common illness.

你说的就像个傻帽和性别歧视者。ManimalGodbeast, you argue like an idiot and sexist.

在2007年,做这个实验,有点性别歧视的味道,我给你们解释一下。It is a bit sexist in 2007 context, but let me explain.

我也被警告过他们都是天生的男性至上主义者。I've also been warned that they were all inherently sexist.

它可能是机巧的、轻浮的,也可能是大男子主义的、恐吓的。It can be clever and flirtatious, or sexist and intimidating.

——这次我要做一个性别歧视者,除非,这对我自己性别的歧视。I am going to be sexist here. Except, it’s against my own sex.

日本的工作场所已经不像以前那样的男性至上主义。The Japanese workplace is not quite as sexist as it used to be.

圣约翰对待处女中男性至上主义的暗示。the sexist implications of Saint John's treatment of virginity.

不仅仅是日本。女人都喜欢规避风险。你可以说我是性别歧视者。Not just Japan. Women are generally risk-averse. Color me sexist.

酒壮怂人胆,酒精让男人勇敢、自负而且还有点大男人。Something about alcohol makes men brave, cocky, and a little bit sexist.

女权主义竞选者认为,这些小便池在宣扬男性至上、歧视女性的观点。Women's rights campaigners described the urinals as sexist and misogynist.

比如,同龄人群施加的压力,同龄人的取笑、散播谣言、性歧视或者种族主义折磨。peer group pressure, teasing, spreading rumours, sexist or racist harassment.

最新调查显示,绝大多数英国女性认为英国已不存在性别歧视。Most women do not believe that Britain is a sexist place, a poll has revealed.

这是性别主义也是非法的,同时也非常成功,以至于将校园服务器给挤爆。This is sexist and illegal, and proves so popular, it crashes the campus servers.

很多人固执地唱着男权主义的老调,认为男生的数学更厉害。One of the most persistent, sexist stereotypes has been that boys are better at math.

具有性别偏见或性别歧视的语言在英语中普遍存在,我们中的大多数人远非意识到了这一问题。Gender-biased or sexist language is more endemic in English than most of us are aware of.