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于是两人一起去求教性学大师。Then two people ask for advice together sexology Great Master.

这些对展示性学的多样性都十分不利。All of which fails to really showcase the true diversity of sexology.

性学家认为,这就是女性需要性行为的第一个阶段。Sexology home thinks, this is the first phase of female need sexual behavior.

性学,作为一门跨学科的科学,欲努力证明的恰恰就是这一点。Sexology , as an interdisciplinary enterprise , attempts to provide just that.

那么,“中国性学会专家组”是何许组织?Then, what kind of does the Chinese sexology meet the expert group is organizes?

没有道德观念的进步,就不可能有今天性科学兴旺的新形势。Without the progress of moral sense, have the new situation with flourishing today sexology impossibly.

性学的前沿,是中年和老年人有终身性的高期望的工作。The cutting edge of sexology is work with mid-life and older adults who have high expectations for lifelong sexuality.

屏除成见,加入更多宽容与积极,性学的境界方能提升。By getting rid of our prejudice and adding more tolerance and positive attitude can the boundary of sexology be elevated.

他还担任广东省人口计生委主任和广东省性学会会长。Zhang, who is also director of Guangdong's family-planning commission and chairman of the Guangdong Sexology Association.

在中国性学会于1994年成立之前,组委会整整花费了8年来打好基础。Before the establishment of China Sexology Association in 1994, its organizing committee spent eight years laying the groundwork.

广东省人口和计划生育委员会和广东省性学联合会主持了这项研究。The Guangdong provincial population and family planning commission and Guangdong provincial sexology association conducted the study

论坛上,与会者围绕性学研究新进展和性学研究的临床技术、新方法进行了交流和探讨。Forum participants focus on sexuality research and clinical sexology research technologies and new methods of communication and discussion.

其实,在此之前美国性学家金赛就开始使用科学方法研究人类性行为,并成为现代性学的先驱者。In fact, before the U. S. sexologist Kinsey began to use the scientific method of human sexuality, and become a pioneer of modern sexology.

所有的贡献者都在处于两难境地,一边要质疑节目组之前关于性节目的错误实践,另一方面又极力想要通过节目来真实展现性学研究。All contributors were faced with a dilemma of challenging the Channel on its poor practice, while having the opportunity to showcase sexology.

性学专家研究发现,在患有射精疼痛、早泄、不射精的男子中,往往存在这种现象。Sexology expert considers to discover, in having the ejaculation ache, premature ejaculation, man that does not ejaculate, often put in this kind of phenomenon.

在中国漫长的社会发展中,闹洞房对性科学的形成和性知识的传播产生了相当大的影响,促进了中国性文化的发展。In China's long social development, it has quite great impact on forming of sexology and spread of sex knowledge and promoted the development of sex culture in China.

但是,无论哪个方面的影响之所以在我国有市场最根本原因在于人们性科学知识的贫乏和道德观念的落后。But, the influence of wh whichever respect has the market in our country most what prime cause depends on people sexology knowledge is indigent with moral sense backward.

“在临床上,这个结果是没有说服力的。”中国性科学协会自由职业者委员会主任委员马小年说。"These results are hardly convincing from our clinical experience, " observed Ma Xiaonian, director commissioner of the Professional Committee of China Sexology Association.

他们对性健康知识的需求如果不能从正规的渠道得到满足,就会受到不科学、不健康信息的误导,影响青少年的健康成长。If their demand for sexology can not be satisfied from the normal channel, they could be misguided by unscientific and insalubrious information that brings bad influence to their growth.

正如性学是关于性的科学,相应的,关于性的意识形态就是性哲学,一整套涉及制定性的道德、宗教和法学的原则与主张。While sexology is the science of sex, by contrast, the ideology of sex is sexosophy, a set of principles and propositions that constitute a moral, religious, and legal philosophy of sex.