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有冰激凌或者冰冻果子露吗?Do you have ice cream or sherbet ?

冰冻果子露是用水果和冰做的。Sherbet is made with fruits and ice.

喝那加了茴香的水,冰镇果汁。Drink water scented with fennel , sherbet.

客人们正在喝咖啡,柠檬水或冰冻果子露。The guests were drinking coffee, lemonade, or sherbet.

我们餐后甜点有香草冰淇淋和柠檬果子露。For dessert we have vanilla ice cream and lemon sherbet.

我喜欢香草冰激淋,我不喜欢柠檬果汁露。I like vanilla ice cream but I don't like lemon sherbet.

我喜欢香草冰激淋,我不喜欢柠檬果汁露。I like vanilla ice cream but I do not like lemon sherbet.

柠檬果子露其实就是中心填了这种干果子露粉的硬糖。Sherbet lemons are hard candies filled with dry sherbet powder.

伏特加和果子露可以混合在一起,创造一种美味冲床。Vodka and sherbet can be mixed together to create a delicious punch.

但我想我应该会去搭缆车,随后吃冰冻果子露。And then afterward going to get sherbet. I like to keep things light and fun!

不要再提供放在碗里的冰淇淋了,试着在果汁杯里提供一些冰冻果汁水。Instead of ice cream in a bowl, try serving sorbet or sherbet in sherbet glasses.

这一种果子露干吃也很好玩,因为它会在你舌头上冒泡。This kind of sherbet is a lot of fun to eat dry because it tingles on the tongue.

蓝莓雪露这是一个令人陶醉和色彩丰富的雪露口味。BLUE RASPBERRY SHERBET This is a bright and colorful sherbet bursting with flavor.

柳橙汁、凤梨、蜂蜜、核仁及水蜜桃,混以酸奶及桔子雪波。Orange juice, honey, pineapple, pecans and peaches blended with yogurt and orange sherbet.

热爱温暖的毛袜子和冰冻柠檬汁的邓布利多,变出柔软舒适的家具。Dumbledore, the lover of warm socks and sherbet lemons, creates soft, comfortable furniture.

断章取义,并在这些果子露颜色,你永远不知道他们是通过心电图启发。Out of context, and in those sherbet colors, you'd never know they were inspired by cardiograms.

果味的冰冻混合物,类似沙碧冰品,用作甜点心或开胃品。A frozen, fruit-flavored mixture that is similar to sherbet and served as a dessert or appetizer.

“让货币来接电话,”我听见冰霜女士说,然后她柔声细语地说"振作点,"她说道。“Put the currency on the phone, ” I heard Mrs. Sherbet say, and then her voice turned cozy. “Buck up, ” she said.

散发着清爽的橙子及果子露的芳香,富含饱满的苹果及香瓜口味,有着乳脂般的口感。Displays zesty citrus and sherbet aromas on the nose and full-bodied apple and melon flavors with a creamy mouth feel.

学生们从嘴里喷火,制作了看起来很像冰冻果子露冰淇淋的东西——海格冰淇淋,还有给牙牙的牙膏,三头狗,等等。Students blew flames from their mouths, made what looked like sherbet ice cream — "Hagrid's favorite ice cream" — and toothpaste for Fluffy, the giant three -headed dog.