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最后,我签发了法案。I signed the bill.

我签了弃权书。I signed the waiver.

落款是“苏珊”。It was signed "Susan."

署名是“教父”。It is signed Godfather.

这条路已经设路标了。This road has been signed.

他做手势要我安静。He signed to me to be quiet.

他已在口供上签字画押。He has signed his confession.

我们必须请人把这份文件签好。We must get the paper signed.

他签字放弃了一切权利。He signed away all his rights.

租户放弃续租。If Lessee has signed a waiver.

她在傍晚时签退。She signed out for the evening.

他昨天跟阿塞纳尔队签了约。He signed for arsenal yesterday.

他以黑墨水签下名字。He signed his name in black ink.

请把那张签了名的照片递给我。Please pass me the signed photo.

德勤从未为多元印刷签署任何报告。DTT never signed a report on DYP.

他们签定了互不侵犯条约。They signed a nonaggression pact.

他在文件上签字加封。He signed and sealed the document.

1“我的客户签好合同了吗?”Has the client signed the contract?

不得签转,不得更改行程。Not signed to change the itinerary.

这车票只能改签一次。The ticket can be signed only once.