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埃达有一张布满皱纹、长得像猿猴的脸。Ada had a wrinkled, simian face.

这只猴子名叫科尼利厄斯,苏珊娜的弟弟。The simian figure is Cornelius, Suzanne 's baby brother.

超萌的儿童筷子,筷子上头还有可爱的猴子形象。Cute chopsticks for kids feature little simian hands on the tips.

非洲猴子在感染了猿类AIDS的病毒后很少发病。African monkeys infected with the virus that causes simian AIDS have rarely developed AIDS.

SV40是一种相对无害的猴子病毒,它能够感染猿类宿主的肾脏器官。SV40 is a relatively harmless monkey virus that can cause kidney infections in its natural simian host.

例如,HIV是在100年前从猴免疫缺陷病毒,或叫SIV的黑猩猩病毒演化而来。H.I.V. evolved about a century ago from a chimpanzee virus known as simian immunodeficiency virus, or S.I.V.

我们必须耐心等待,在类人猿符号学翻译工作完成之前,我们并不知道这样做是否会给动物带来痛苦。We must wait until the simian symbology interpreter is finished to know if we're causing the animal any pain.

科学家们第一次验证了野生黑猩猩也可因为感染猿类艾滋病而生病和死亡。For the first time, scientists have shown that chimpanzees in the wild become sick and die from the simian version of AIDS.

以泗棉3号作为近期育成的棉花高产品种的典型代表,与苏棉5号进行比较,研究高产品种的株型形成特点。In this paper, high yielding cotton variety Simian 3 was used, as a typical representative and to be compared with Sumian 5.

在长期的历史研究和历史教学实践基础上,吕思勉形成了自己独特的历史教学思想。In the long history of study and practice of history teaching, based on Simian formed its own unique history of teaching ideas.

中国也颁布了一个抱负相当大,正式名称为“四免一关”的全国治疗和医护项目。China has also established an ambitious nationwide treatment and care program, officially called simian yiguan -- "Four Free and One Care."

吕思勉是中国现代著名的历史学家,一生淡泊名利,以教书为生。Simian Lv is a famous historian of modern China, His whole life was indifferent to fame and fortune, and he had been teaching for a living.

猿类艾滋病,即通常所说的S.I.V.cpz,被认为是H.I.V.-1的前体,在过去的100年跨越了物种的界限开始在人类中传播。The simian virus, known as S.I.V.cpz, is considered the precursor of H.I.V.-1, which crossed the species barrier sometime in the past 100 years.

人猿的脑组织在塑料制品下闪烁着潮红色的光,大脑皮层被一个微超导量子交互装置的基质所包围。Simian brain tissue glistened slippery-red beneath the plastic, the cortex capped by a matrix of micro-superconducting quantum interference devices.

撒钱的猴子一开始拿着一把现金坐在一个白铁皮屋顶上,然后像开玩笑似的把钱一张张扔下去。The cash-dispensing simian was first spotted sitting on a tin roof with a bundle of currency notes before it playfully started throwing them down one-by-one.

该发现颠覆了人们长久以来对于人类的近亲黑猩猩能够感染猿类艾滋病的病毒但却并没有任何危害的科学观点。The finding upsets a widely held scientific belief that chimpanzees, the closest relatives to humans, can get the virus that causes simian AIDS but without harm.

有关认知的研究多数没有涉及猿类动物及其娴熟的社交学习能力、工具使用以及其他类人的基本文明。Most cognitive research has zeroed in on simian animals and found them to be highly adept in social learning, tool use and other essentials of human-like culture.

残余的白猿匪帮、国民党特务都在积极寻找这个宝库,试图借力摧毁新生红色政权。Spy of leftover white simian bandit gang, Kuomintang is searching this treasure house actively, try to borrow force to destroy political power of new student red.

这部来自二十世纪福克斯电影公司的佳作描述了猿族的反叛经历,“进化即变革”依然是这部电影的核心理念。Or perhaps it's a prequel to the prequel? At the film's climax there was clearly still more "evolution is revolution" to come from 20th Century Fox's simian uprising franchise.

他还说,动物试验已经证明了当给猴的直肠使用含有替诺福韦的杀微生物剂,猴没有受到一种类似于艾滋病病毒的猿免疫缺陷病毒的感染。Animal studies, he added, have shown that when given a rectal microbicide with tenofovir, monkeys were protected from simian immunodeficiency virus, a virus that is similar to HIV.