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炼焦炉能摆脱烟雾腾腾的形象吗?。Are Coke Ovens Shedding Their Smoggy Image?

但是上海已经像一个污烟瘅气的牢笼一样越变越糟。But Shanghai is already gridlocked and smoggy and getting worse by the day.

厚厚的氮气组成的大气层你弥漫着烟雾和云。The thick nitrogen atmosphere holds fog, mist, smoggy haze and rain clouds.

上海雾霭的一天,我们坐在办公室里,俯瞰着上海金融区。We were sitting in my office overlooking Shanghai's financial district one smoggy day.

因为下过雨,所以大佛那里都是烟雾蒙蒙的,当我祈愿之后,有一段短时间可以影到稍为清楚的相片。There were smoggy after rain, but I can took photos in a clear view in a short time after I made a wish.

在大气层,只有月球在,一个黄色的烟雾弥漫的,一个充满着甲烷、丙烷和乙烷云的地方。It's the only moon with an atmosphere, a yellow smoggy one filled with methane, ethane, and propane clouds.

存在一个地下海洋可以帮助解释土卫六是如何在烟雾弥漫的大气中补充甲烷的。The presence of an underground ocean could help explain how Titan replenishes methane in its smoggy atmosphere.

离北京奥运不到一个月了,北京的空气仍然灰蒙蒙的。With less than a month to go until the start of the Beijing Olympics, the air in the Chinese capital remains gray and smoggy.

不过业界专家们并未就此达成一致,因为燃煤集中供暖往往会导致雾霾天气。But industry experts have yet to reach a consensus on this claim, as coal-fired central heating often leads to smoggy weather.

去北京的欧洲游客很少参观北京古老的天文台,该天文台坐落在一处灰色的石塔上,沉浸在在川流不息的交通车辆中。FEW European visitors to Beijing visit its ancient astronomical observatory, perched on a grey stone tower amid smoggy snarls of traffic.

长沙,中国——就在不久前,湖南省还正以劲辣灼唇的食物、烟雾弥漫的城市和贫穷的养猪农民而闻名。CHANGSHA, China — Until very recently, Hunan Province was known mainly for lip-searing spicy food, smoggy cities and destitute pig farmers.

加州东部山脉中塔霍湖旁的探测器“是我们在烟雾弥漫的城市之外所见过最脏的”。Filters near Lake Tahoe in the mountains of eastern California "are the darkest that we've seen" outside smoggy urban areas, said Steven S.

在这样伟大的主题下,天空能见度低的北京受到严密的安全保护防止一切可能发生的恐怖事件。Beneath such grand themes, Beijing on Friday endured more smoggy skies and a tightening security clampdown amid reports of possible terror threats.

以及地毯、油漆等室内装潢物件,它们远比户外的烟雾更能让你的家变得不利于健康。The carpets and upholstery and paints and other 'home furnishings' that make the air in the average house unhealthier than the average smoggy outdoors.

晚高峰时,无论是告诉公路,还是贯通这个城市中心的长安街,天空依旧阴霾,交通仍然堵塞严重.Skies remained smoggy and traffic was bumper-to-bumper during afternoon rush hour on freeways and Chang An Avenue, which cuts through the heart of the city.

最近德州大学所做的研究显示,即使是在烟雾弥漫的城市里,待在室内可能比待在户外对个人健康的危害更大。Recent research done at the University of Texas has shown that staying indoors may actually be more harmful to one's health than being outdoors even in smoggy cities.

旅行前和旅行后,纷纷听到去过的旅者和我说,北京的天空多麽灰濛濛,甚至会伸手不见五指。Before and after the trip to Beijing, friends and acquaintances all mentioned the gray polluted sky in the city. Sometimes it got so smoggy that they didn't even see their fingers.