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这是倒春寒。This is a cold snap.

大顶折断了!Big snap off the top!

框架与按扣。Frame with snap closure.

这门有一个弹簧插销。The door has a snap bolt.

她啪地一声将门关上。The door has a snap bolt.

盖子啪嗒一声合上了。The lid shut with a snap.

你得照一张快相。You have to snap a photo.

他只会抢白你。He would only snap at you.

别老是斥责别人。Don't always snap at people.

门襟拉链扣在前面。Snap placket over zip front.

用剃刀割刀,易如反掌。Cut with razor knife and snap.

她现在怎么可以骂他呢?How could she snap at him now?

一根树枝突然折断打破了寂静。The course was a snap for him.

系统熔丝又一次熔断了吗?The fuse blew out with a snap.

那只鬈毛狗又是叫又是咬。The poodle yapped and snap ped.

那条腰带的按扣丢了。The waistband had lost its snap.

首先,你需要打起精神来。First, you should snap out of it.

与表带磁性按扣。Magnetic snap closure with strap.

他啪地一声把那根树枝折断了。He broke off the twig with a snap.

将轴承及护脂毡圈紧靠在卡环上。Shaft snap ring in groove on shaft.