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全场肃静无声。A solemn silence reigned.

所有的山盟海誓。All the solemn pledges of love.

他曾在庄严的人生大海中飘航。Sailing go'er life solemn main.

她那番严肃的话使我敬畏。I was awed by her solemn words.

这是一个在聚会中的隆重的礼节。This is a solemn curtsy in the party.

他庄重地保证把事情办好。He gave his solemn promise to do better.

我读出了一种非常悲壮的一种历史感。I felt the very solemn weight of history.

他向我作出了庄严的保证。I have his solemn promise to that effect.

哦,祖国,这是我们神圣的誓约。Oh fatherland, this be our solemn pledge.

“她把所有人都杀了。”他显得很严肃了。"She killed everyone. " He was solemn now.

男人的抉择,总是悲壮的。Men's choice is always solemn and stirring.

所以过节是那么庄严和希有。Therefore are feasts so solemn and so rare.

但是她尽了接待者最庄严的义务。But she'd taken a solemn vow of hospitality.

即使发我在这个庄重又荒谬的角色中Even when I'm in this solemn and absurd role

高层的凝重气氛是可以理解的。The mood at the top is understandably solemn.

实际上,大多数都是庄重和忧郁的。Actually, much of it is solemn and melancholy.

仪式在庄严的气氛中进行。The ceremony proceeded in a solemn atmosphere.

其中最隆重的节日是过拉祜年。One of the most solemn holiday is over in lahu.

我们要在精致而庄严的弦乐中唱上一首赞歌。We sung the hymn in measured and solemn strain.

仪式是在一阵庄严肃穆的庙堂音乐中开始的。Ceremony was solemn temples burst of music began.