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雪花可有回天乏力之术?What sorcery had snow?

中国古代哲学家们起初多信奉巫术。Ancient Chinese philosophers were born out of sorcery.

荧绿之毒,召唤绿色致命毒气的魔法。Green poison, invoke the sorcery of green fatal poisonous gas.

断没有法术可以害雅各,也没有占卜可以害以色列。There is no sorcery against Jacob, no divination against Israel.

这是由于它直接来自原始巫舞之故。This is due to their direct lineage from primitive sorcery dance.

狐狸也被指控施行一种形式特别的巫术The fox was also accused of practicing a particular form of sorcery

他们褪色的青衫里,究竟藏着什么法术呢?What sorcery under the sun did they have inside their indigo robes?

宣扬狐妖巫术偶尔会引发群体的恐慌。Alleged sorcery by fox demons occasionally caused collective panics.

他们认为又是坏继母的巫术。They believed it to be some new sorcery of their wicked step-mother.

在普林尼的著作里面,他们的活动仅局限于医药和巫术的实践。In Pliny their activity is limited to the practice of medicine and sorcery.

但是仅仅依靠一个魔术师或者一种巫术去用一个箱子来装饰房间大概是不可能的吧。But it may not take a magician or sorcery to furnish a room with just a box.

佛祖在鹿野苑向他的侍从憍陈如等五人说法道。Buddha preached the sorcery to 5 attendants such as Kaundinya etc. in Sarnath.

有跳神舞、巫舞、霸王鞭、唱大本曲等。It has the god dance, sorcery dance, Bawangbian, singing songs on the God Ben.

血族能以消耗自己所吸取的血来施展特殊的魔法。Blood clan can with consume oneself absorb of blood to display special sorcery.

其究竟是代表正义的神圣魔法,还是代表邪恶的巫术?Is it a deific gift of righteousness?Or the deception of some sinister sorcery?

萨满法师们宣称这非自然的风暴中充满了巫术的气息。Soon the Orc shamans began to talk of sorcery and that the storm was unnatural.

梅山文化是产生于楚地的山地巫文化。Meishan Culture originated from the mountainous sorcery culture in the State of Chu.

更为特殊的是这种魔法在人类和血族身上都能实现。More special is this kind of sorcery can carry out on mankind and blood clan's body.

隐姓埋名的原因也许是名字被用于巫术。The reason for keeping personal names secret is that one's name can be used in sorcery.

因为他们操行巫术和邪恶的祭祀,作出了最可憎恶的事。You hated them because of their detestable practices, their sorcery and unholy worship.