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屋子宽绰。The room is spacious.

我需要一个宽敞的房子.I need a spacious apartment.

这屋子很豁亮。The room is bright and spacious.

这屋子很宽敞,而且光线充足。The room is spacious and bright.

这间屋子很敞亮。This room is light and spacious.

你会感受到宽阔和平静。You will feel spacious and calm.

宽敞的家中喷出了火焰。Spacious homes erupted in flames.

我们来到一个宽敞的餐厅.We entered a spacious dining-room.

里面还是挺宽敞挺通风的。It is quite spacious and very drafty.

这屋子又干净,又豁亮。The room is clean bright and spacious.

开阔的心,一床的空间足矣!Spacious heart, one space foot of the bed!

敝今得之更有龙虎神威!This was the more spacious dragon divinity!

丹尼尔正在宽敞的教室里读书。Daniel is reading in the spacious classroom.

你是一个时尚的后室或宽敞的套房?Are you after a stylish room or spacious suite?

没有四轮车也没有宽敞的柏油路。No four wheel vehicle nor spacious asphalt road.

全部的座位都更加宽敞,都可旋转。All of the seats are more spacious and rotatable.

他们有一个既宽绰又舒适的客厅。They have a spacious and comfortable living room.

一个艳阳天,我站在宽大的阳台上。It was a sunny day. I stood on a spacious balcony.

在他的别墅内有三间宽敞的卧室。There were three spacious bedrooms in his cottage.

现在这些宽敞的大厅空荡荡的。Right now these spacious halls are absolutelyempty.