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公众演讲。Do public speaking.

我喜欢说法语。I like speaking French.

我喜欢说英文。I enjoy speaking Enlish.

我们今天用嘴巴做。We'll do it by speaking.

复印店。我是希安。Print shop. Seam speaking.

我是李凯文。This is Kevin Lee speaking.

鱼是水中之王。This is Wang Bing speaking.

您好!我是霍普·朱厄特。Hello, Hope Jewett speaking.

我只是随便说说。I am just speaking casually.

我现在讲话都很时髦的。I'm speaking to be trendier.

这是我的经验之谈。I am speaking from experience.

法官的昏聩是无辜者的灾难。The judge is the speaking law.

布朗先生是出口部经理。This is George Brown speaking.

当我现在说话的时候我都能感觉的到。I can feel it as I am speaking.

容德雷特说的是谁?Of whom was Jondrette speaking?

斯金纳在和龙甘曼说话。Kaiser are you speaking with me?

她说这些话很勉强。She's speaking reluctantly here.

他们讲的是什么语言?What language are they speaking?

一个中年妇女上台演讲。A middle-aged woman was speaking.

你好。我是马俊。梁先生在吗?。Hello. This is Wang Kai speaking.