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通常要求用硬币支付。Payments were demanded in specie.

银行体系所持有的金银实际上减少了。The specie held by the banking system actually declined.

恢复给硬币,使币值更高。The resumption of specie payment appreciated the currency.

从理论上解决了物种数的计算。The problem of calculating specie number was solved in theory.

这就是沙漠物种对炎热环境的适应。This is the adaptation of desert specie to the hot conditions.

将动物喂食种具体标准实验室议员,广告随机?Will animals be fed specie specific standard laboratory chow, ad libitum?

礼貌是社会生活固定的中介,就像硬币之于商业生活。Good manners are the settled medium of social, as specie is of commercial life.

它们被发现拥有众多颜色,这使它们成为最美丽的青蛙物种之一。They are found in a multitude of colours making them the most beautiful frog specie.

希望本身是一种幸福,也许是这个世界上能提供的主要的幸福。Hope is itself a specie of happiness, and perhaps the chief happiness which this world affords.

两栖类是生态系统中的重要物种,并且对环境毒理评价有着深远意义。Amphibian is an important specie in ecosystem and has profound meaning in the ecotoxicology evaluation.

这导致人民也对政府发行铸币支撑纸币的能力失去了信心。Public confidence in the government's ability to back its paper currency with specie was shaken as well.

由于缺乏国际资金供应的支持,经济困难的欧洲国家政府将其所有的实物货币敛聚起来。Without the base of the international money supply, poor Europeans and governments hoarded all the available specie.

“基因蓝”草具有很强的耐寒性、耐旱性、耐瘠薄性和耐盐碱性,是一种新型地被植物。Festuca cinerea glauca is a new specie of lawn with strong resistance to cold, drought, barren and salt alkalescence.

因此,该物种是小麦育种中利用远缘杂交进行外源基因导入的优良亲本。So this specie is a good parent for transferring alien chromosomal fragments by the way of wide hybridization breeding.

当然,从那以后,象其它的中央银行一样,英格兰银行并不持有与我们发行的纸币等量的金银铸币储备。Since then , of course, the Bank of England like other central banks has not held specie reserves equal to our note issue.

成熟是个人乃至全人类从疯狂与残杀走向内心平静与满足的途径。Maturity is the path from madness and murder to inner peace and satisfying living for each individual and for the human specie.

该病原菌是中国植物真菌病害新记录种,在国际上也是首次报道万寿菊是该病原菌的自然寄主。The pathogen is a new record specie of plant fungi disease in China. Marigold is a new natural host of the pathogen in the world.

“野生物种”指在天然生活环境、未被引入任何区域进行直接栽培而驯化的植物品种。"Wild Specie " means a plant variety in its native habitat that has not been domesticated by any community for direct cultivation.

马褂木是我国南方优良的造林绿化树种,也是山地丘陵地区优先发展的纸浆纤维材和胶合板用材树种。Liriodendron Chinese is a superior virescence forestation specie , also a paper pulp-making and veneer-making specie in south China.

政府公债如何偿还,硬币如何支付等问题都不及采取和同意一项计划重要。How the public debt is to be paid or specie payments resumed is not so important as that a plan should be adopted and acquiessced in.