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精神家园一片荒芜。Spiritual home is barren.

他的精神和罪孽深重。He's spiritual and sinful.

那种想法曾是我的精神主宰。It was a spiritual master.

可是,在他心中却有极深的属灵渴求。He had a deep spiritual hunger.

这是一种怎样的精神境界。This is a kind of spiritual realm.

我想你有很强大的灵力。I think you have big spiritual power.

是,这是一种精神的东西,差不多是。Yeah, it's a spiritual thing, almost.

而且我们想要速食的精神成熟。And we want instant spiritual maturity.

喜,不仅仅是物质的,更是精神的。It is not only material, but spiritual.

灵命的停滞会锈蚀心灵。Spiritual inactivity corrodes the soul.

谁在打包你的灵魂降落伞?Who Is Packing Our Spiritual Parachute?

精神的糖衣炮弹打中了一个靶子,就是薄一波。A spiritual one hit its target, Po I-po.

买一些灵性教导的诗集。Buy an anthology of spiritual teachings.

你配得更丰富的属灵财宝吗?Can you be trusted with spiritual riches?

它有点属灵骄傲与菁英的味道。It smacks of spiritual pride and elitism.

韦特毕生都在进行精神探索。Waite spent his life on a spiritual quest.

骄傲,激情,和属灵的软弱。Pride, passion, and spiritual slothfulness.

蒹葭,是如此朴素而富有灵性的植物。The, is so simple and rich spiritual plant.

人人都应当纯洁其精神生活。Everyone ought to rarefy his spiritual life.

读书带给我们有营养的精神食粮。Reading brings us nutritious spiritual food.