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辛特龙在狂风中大声下达命令。Cintron yelled orders over the squall.

飑线中的狂风雷暴。Squally thunderstorms within a squall line.

当风力增强时,突然刮来阵大风。As the wind freshened there came a sudden squall.

在返航途中游艇被突然袭来的狂风暴雨所倾覆。On the return voyage the yacht capsized in a sudden squall.

狂风过后,下了班的值夜人员在一盏提灯下憩息。The off-duty watch relaxed under a lantern after the squall.

狂风过后,下了班的值夜人员在一盏提灯下憩息。The off-duty watch relaxed under a lantern after the squall.

那座倚山建造的房子在风暴雪中屹立不动。The house abutting against the hill stood unaffected in the squall.

风暴的呼啸声使我几乎听不见他的声音。Such was the fury of the squall that his voice sounded like a whisper.

由镶嵌在飑线中的小尺度超级单体造成对流性大风。The mesoscale convective cell in squall line causes severe convective wind.

附近,一个深暗色的肿瘤正像要来临的暴风般威胁着她。Nearby, the dark, dull edge of a tumor threatens like an approaching squall.

这些云朵可以组成单独的云簇,也可以沿着暴风线的冷锋分布。The clouds can form alone, in clusters, or along acold front in a squall line.

它还提供了飑线风暴强度的关键信息,等等。It also provides critical information about storm intensity, squall lines, and more.

尽管每个人都知道这个恶魔完全无异于婴儿为引起注意而啼哭的本能。For all one knows that demon is the same instinct that makes a baby squall for attention.

忽然起了狂风,波浪不断地打进船来,舱里积满了水。A furious squall came up, and the waves broke over the boat, so that it was nearly swamped.

通过卫星雷达的监视,可以较好地预报飑线的影响。The influence of the squall lines can be monitored and forecasted by the satellites and radars.

这种魔怪不外乎是婴儿嚎啕以引起人注意的本能。For all one knows that demon is simply the same instinct that makes a baby squall for attention.

湖上忽然起了暴风,船将满了水,甚是危险。A squall came down on the lake, so that the boat was being swamped, and they were in great danger.

风暴过后天气转为毛毛雨和较稳定的确风,气压计开始回升。After the squall weather turned to drizzling rain with steadier wind, barometer commenced to rise.

一年四季都可能有冰雹、龙卷、飑线等强对流天气发生。Throughout the year all possible hail, dragon coil, squall line etc strong convective weather happen.

当风力增强时,突然刮来一阵大风,“瓦萨”号奇怪地摇晃了一下,便向左舷倾斜。As the wind freshened there came a sudden squall and the ship made a strange movement, listing to port.