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在美国,耳穴压籽法长期作为为成瘾治疗。Ear seeds have long been used stateside for addiction treatment.

豆荚车运输技术甚至引起了美国的关注。Pod transport technology is even starting gain some stateside attention.

老干妈品牌开始于1996年,现在在中国已经无处不在,然而在美国本土却难以求得。Started in 1996 they've become ubiquitous in China, but are harder to find stateside.

对于一个NBA的球员期望能够在美国本土的夏季比赛中提升自己这将会有哪些不同呢?Is that any different than what an NBA player would expect in a regular summer pick-up game stateside ?

胜队新居带来这一技术在美国和影响力是一个沉重的钢筋混凝土漂移现场。Katsumi of Team Arai helped bring this technique stateside and is a heavy influence on the RC Drift scene.

是一家美国的公司,该公司可以让人们把从扫树叶到安装软件的任务拿出来招标。is a stateside service that allows people to put their tasks up for bid--anything from raking leaves to installing software.

因此过去几天来,我在美国本土搞了个小范围调研——请我每周免费专栏的读者参与。So, over the past few days, I did a little pure stateside research -- asking readers to my free weekly newsletter to weigh in.

切尔西不想因为依赖俱乐部老板阿布的个人财富而不发展自己在美国的市场。Chelsea do not want to be over-reliant on owner Roman Abramovich's personal fortune and have latched on to the Stateside trend.

他表示虽然很遗憾失去了KC-X合同,但这不会打消公司进军美国的决心。Although the loss of the KC-X contest was a disappointment, he notes, it is not a full stop for the company's stateside ambitions.

人人网上周提交了招股说明书,使得美国投资者有了另一个利用中国互联网革命赚钱的机会。Renren filed to go public last week, giving stateside investors another shot to cash in on China's online revolution from the inside.

受美元疲软的驱动,很多国际公司期望通过并购提升公司的本土形象。Spurred on by the dollar's weakness, many international companies are looking to expand their stateside presence through acquisitions.

在去年有科学家报道,相比较于在美国国内执行任务,被部署到伊拉克伴随着患上哮喘的高风险。Deployment to Iraq was associated with a significantly higher risk of asthma compared with stateside duty, scientists reported last year.

在海外战场和美国本土,该公司直接与美陆军进行了广泛的听觉测试。QinetiQ North America worked directly with the United States military to extensively test Ears, both in-theatre and in stateside demonstrations.

具体做法是,通过无线电与目标电话附近的一个无线电站取得联系,然后美国本土的站点拨通被叫人的电话。The ham shack here contacts a station in or near the destination of the call and the ham at the stateside end puts in a phone call to the callee.

现在万象太阳能集团已经在美国开始生产发展,公司有4000个员工,但是直到最近才开始进入到美国本土的光伏领域。Wanxiang has been operating in the U. S. for awhile, with more than 4000 employees, but had not dipped its toe in the Stateside solar pond until recently.

上周新片在美国本土召开了一个媒体野餐会,全国记者赶了飞机飞来,却发现戈达尔无缘无故没到场。Last week's stateside press junket for the new film was scotched after national journalists caught their planes, but for reasons unknown Godard missed his.

澳元子公司没有放弃使准将在美国,但是,由于庞蒂克的消亡可能会允许霍顿下沉爪子变成一个更加成功的通用汽车品牌。The Aussie subsidiary is not giving up on bringing the Commodore Stateside , however, as Pontiac's demise may allow Holden to sink its claws into a more successful GM brand.

虽然现代仍然是辩论是否把藏在美国本土,韩国汽车制造商大量广告其全尺寸的豪华轿车在其家乡。While Hyundai is still debating whether or not to bring the Equus over the stateside , the Korean automaker is heavily advertising its full-size luxury sedan in its hometown.

他最年长的儿子正准备去一家金融服务公司实习,最年长的女儿正在度过在美国本土最后的一个假期,随后返回中国。The oldest son is prepping for his internship at a financial-services firm, while the eldest daughter enjoys her last stretch of stateside vacation before heading back to China.

分析师们警告说市场可能会重新考验上月初的低点。尽管如此,无疑华尔街上的人们越来越意识到,经济,起码是美国本土的经济也许正在筑底。While analysts have warned that the market could retest the lows hit early last month, there's no doubt a growing sense on Wall Street the economy, at least stateside , might be bottoming out.