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石碑使用最多的是在希腊的阿提卡,大部分是用作墓碑。The largest number of stelae were produced in Attica , chiefly as grave markers.

“莲花”由四根精雕细琢的石柱支撑,方型石础。This "lotus flower" is sustained by four elaborate stelae and a square stone foundation.

西安古城墙,大雁塔,碑林博物馆半日游。Xi'an Ancient City Wall, Big Goose Pagoda, Forest of Stelae Museum Half- Day Private Tour.

这个遗址有36处考古发现,其中有32个刻有图案的石柱,但这些图案大部分都无法解读。The site contains 36 monuments, including 32 carved stelae covered with symbols, most of which are difficult to decipher.

建武,立石、神圣支柱常常提到旧约说明宗教与社会的联系。Stelae , standing stones, and sacred pillars often mentioned in the Old Testament indicate religious and social connections.

那些花岗岩石板和石碑上纪念他征服埃及的图象早就被凿下并偷走。Images of Piye on the elaborate granite slabs, or stelae , memorializing his conquest of Egypt have long since been chiseled away.

看看拜伦斯的今天,外墙保留了一些从长城复制来的的石柱竖在东西墙的末端。View of the Barrens today, with copies of stelae that stand at the eastern and western ends of the Wall preserved in the exterior walls.

根据努比亚人和他们的敌人们刻在石板上的记录,可以推断出这些统治者们的足迹遍布非洲大部分地区。Through inscriptions carved on stelae by both the Nubians and their enemies, it is possible to map out these rulers’ vast footprint on the continent.

本文以几件佛教石刻造像为例,对北魏景明年间豫北地区佛教造像题材和艺术风格作以简要论述。Based on several Buddhist stelae excavated from the northern Henan, the article researches the theme and art style of Buddhist stelae during the period.

一观光者在欧洲被害犹太人纪念碑的石柱中穿行。A tourist walks through snow-covered stelae at the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, also known as the Holocaust Memorial on December 2, 2010 in Berlin, Germany.

夕阳西沉,薄暮的余晖笼罩着全城,所有的宫殿和教堂的圆顶与尖顶,还有石柱、凯旋门、城墙……都蒙上了一层暖暖的橙红色。In the dusk, you can see all shapes roof of the palaces and churches, stelae , triumphal arch, walls are covered by the warm orange colour. Rome has been in the cavern of the age.

从萨珊的纺织品艺术、萨珊的壁画和萨珊风格的石柱头的艺术风格入手,可以进一步深入地理解中国北朝到隋唐时期的胡风东渐。Starting with Sassanian fresco and the art style of the stelae head with Sassanian style, we can further understand the popularity of the foreign trends in China from Beichao to Suitang period.