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智利已放弃其全部库存。Chile has given up its entire stockpile.

抗病毒药物也剩下了一大批。There also remains a huge stockpile of antivirals.

如果病毒发生变异,你没有时间去进行储备。You don't have time to put in place a stockpile if the virus mutates.

华盛顿当局也开始动用联邦库存,分发药品。Washington also has begun dispersing medicine from a federal stockpile.

锋速3剃须刀是吉列公司在12年前推出的。Hagan of his stockpile of Mach3 blades, which Gillette launched 12 years ago.

如果我是中国或者其他别的什么国家,我储存这些东西主要有两个原因。If I were China or any other country, I'd stockpile these things for two reasons.

南非为以色列的核计划提供了500吨的储备铀。South Africa supplied Israel a 500-ton stockpile of uranium for its nuclear program.

尽管如此,今年,已核实的伊朗低浓缩铀库存仍在攀升。All the same, Iran has increased its known stockpile of low-enriched uranium this year.

中国裂变材料的储备,比起美国的来小很多。China's stockpile of fissile material is a miniscule fraction of that of the United States.

积存大量安全套的店主,可能会被指控在公共场所鼓励猥亵行为。The owners who stockpile a supply of rubbers may be accused of encouraging public indecency.

向生产干血浆的DOD战阵储备库提供全血制品。To provide whole blood for the production of dried plasma for the DOD War Reserve stockpile.

人们被要求囤积货物,穿上暴走鞋,带上自行车安全帽,或者,呆在家。People are being asked to stockpile goods, don walking boots or cycle helmets, or stay at home.

黄热病应急储备由疫苗和免疫全球联盟筹措资金,由为控制黄热病提供疫苗国际协调小组进行管理。The yellow fever emergency stockpile is financed by the GAVI Alliance and managed by the YF-ICG.

在你的储备物资中应该提供维生素、矿物质和蛋白质,以保证足够的营养。Include vitamins, minerals and protein supplements in your stockpile to ensure adequate nutrition.

这是由收藏家而非商人掌握的市场。商人们单纯地囤积居奇以哄抬画价。It is driven by collectors rather than dealers, who stockpile or underbid simply to push up prices.

其他地区的超市里,群众为了抢购储存食物一团慌乱。Elsewhere supermarkets reported a surge in panic-buying as shoppers tied to stockpile food supplies.

这是一种全新的牛痘疫苗,将加入战略性国家贮备。The smallpox vaccine is a completely new product that will be added to the Strategic National Stockpile.

如果您的系统相互连接,可以自动地故障转移到热备用机器上,那么储备可以少一些。If your systems are interconnected to failover to hot spares automatically, your stockpile can be slight.

有些人认为大量的贮备对一个有着难以忽视的发展需求的国家毫无意义。Some here argue that the large stockpile makes little sense in a country with pressing development needs.

令我后军多积粮食,不要使敌人知道我军企图。Order our rear army to stockpile supplies and foodstuffs without causing the enemy to know our intentions.