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主啊,赦免我们,赦免我们的顽梗!Lord, forgive us for our stubbornness.

我爱你的勇气,你的固执。I love your courage and your stubbornness.

她的固执使她成为坚韧和果断。Her stubbornness led to tenacity and determination.

不倒翁的性格,这也许跟我天生的固执有关?Roly-poly character, perhaps innate stubbornness about me?

对爱我的人别紧张,我的固执很善良。To the peoples who is loving me, my Stubbornness is so good.

所以,我敦促中国政府重新考虑其顽固立场。So I’d urge China’s government to reconsider its stubbornness.

雷明斯,是你的固执造成了埃及的灾祸!Ramesses, your stubbornness is bringing this misery upon Egypt.

他们必不再随从自己顽梗的恶心行事。No longer will they follow the stubbornness of their evil hearts.

但我近乎顽固地拒绝了,什么银色裤子,我的账单上可没有这个。But I hitched my refusal to a post of stubbornness. No silver pants.

固执己见就好像一道墙筑在你跟配偶中间。Stubbornness is like a wall that you set up between you and your mate.

马特看着休,从他坚挺的肩膀中看出了他的倔强。Matt looked at Hugh and saw the stubbornness in the set of his shoulders.

我记得你说我是个任性的小孩,那就请允许我继续倔强吧。Dear, stubbornness is only thing I cherish. I don't change, so what about you?

但我认为,固执并没有什么错,相反正是他身上的固执促成了该片的成功。But I think the film is successful because of, not in spite of, Liu`s stubbornness.

悖逆的罪与行邪术的罪相等。顽梗的罪与拜虚神和偶像的罪相同。For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry.

这「白内障」会使我们视力模糊,只看得到会众的冥顽不灵。Cataracts can blur our vision so that we see only a congregation's grumbling stubbornness.

她有着汉诺威人的固执和火暴脾气,有时甚至有些残忍和气量褊狭。She had Hanoverian stubbornness and hot temper and she was sometimes cruel and intolerant.

我性子倔强,决不肯让别人把我吓倒。There is a stubbornness about me that never can bear to be frightened at the will of others.

余则成心想,这便是他第一次望着她时,在她眼神中发现的那股子执拗。Yu thought this was exactly the stubbornness he had seen in her eyes the first time they met.

江上杰伊认为,他朋友的固执源于对一切都必须恰到好处的追求。Egami says that his friend's stubbornness stems from his desire to have everything just right.

到目前为止,没有任何迹象表明,埃里森从韦尔奇的白费力气的顽固中学到任何教训。So far Mr Ellison shows no sign of having learned any lessons from Mr Welch’s futile stubbornness.