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他的手指粗短。He has stubby fingers.

明月夜,短松冈。Moonlit night, stubby pines.

手指短而粗硬被认为缺少灵活性。A short stubby hand argues a lack of sensibility.

她的两条小短腿怎么可能让她跑的这么快?How did those stubby little legs carry her so fast?

他们有短粗的尾巴和长而尖利的犬齿。They have short, stubby tails and long, sharp fangs.

他边听边点头,还吸着一支粗短的烟斗。He nodded and puffed on a stubby pipe as he listened.

他的两个又粗又短的手指对着尤索林的脸开玩笑地乱摇晃。Two of his stubby fingers was waggling playfully into Yossarian's face.

看到这些照片是横扫车顶和短后甲板。Visible in these photos are the sweep of the roofline and the stubby rear deck.

但是,“他举起一根粗短的、警告的手指,”还有很多其他需要考虑到的事情。But, " he held up a stubby , admonitory finger, "there are other considerations.

沃克中将身材短小、粗壮,在朋友面前很有男人味,在媒体面前则显得很好斗。Walker, a short, stubby man, was "Johnnie" to his friends, "Bulldog" to the press.

他们的胳膊末端长着四指的手,每只脚有三个短粗的脚趾。Gungan arms end in four-fingered hands, and their feet have three stubby toes each.

摩天大厦在芝加哥的大街上升起矮墩墩的十层。The first modern-style skyscraper rose a stubby ten stories above Chicago's streets.

第一座现代风格的摩天大厦在芝加哥的大街上升起矮墩墩的十层。The first modern-style skyscraper rose a stubby ten stories above Chicago's streets.

北地矮人矮小强壮,拥有短而粗的身躯,紧绷的脸以及短而粗的腿。Artic Dwarves are squat and hardy, with blocky bodies, pinched faces and stubby legs.

—与黑猩猩锋利的牙齿相比,“阿蒂”的犬齿更像人类的短平的牙齿。Ardi's upper canine teeth are more similar to stubby human teeth than sharp chimpanzee teeth

这里的一个例子显示了两种不同的钻石耳环削减长石、石材粗壮。Here's an example of two different Marquise cut diamonds showing a long stone and a stubby stone.

透过矮小的杂树林我看见河湾,像蕨类植物叶子背面一样闪着银光。Through stubby spinneys of akeake I saw the bend of a river, as silvery as the underside of a fern.

有许多设计采用了两圈短而粗的、反向对转的采用复合材料制作的叶片。A number of designs use two rings of stubby , counter-rotating blades made from composite materials.

单特斯是一个黑矮子,长着粗短的胡子,狡猾而并不十分聪明的眼睛。Zanders was a little man, dark, with a short stubby mustache, and a shrewd though not highly intelligent eye.

不久,积极轮廓罩和短尾巴表明造型符合芳的跑车般的个人资料。A short, aggressively contoured hood and stubby tail indicate styling in line with the XF's coupe-like profile.