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共享的空间以避免窒息感。The spaces are shared to avoid stuffiness.

我们不能忍受这间屋子里的窒闷。We cannot stand the stuffiness of the room.

据信薄荷叶可以减轻疲劳和鼻塞。Peppermint leaves are believed to relieve tiredness and nasal stuffiness.

解充血药帮助缓解鼻塞,使内部肿胀组织收缩。Decongestants help ease stuffiness. They shrink swollen tissue inside the noses.

这一结果在鼻滴漏,打喷嚏和粘液放电的过敏性鼻炎。This results in the nasal stuffiness , sneezing and mucous discharge of allergic rhinitis.

完全消除了普通蚊帐闷热的缺点。The utility model totally eliminates the defect of stuffiness existing the common mosquito net.

不同的人格特征在胸痹的发生发展中有不同的作用。Different personalities have various functions on the occurrence and development of pectoral pain and stuffiness.

就像烧伤用冰块冷敷,或者咳嗽含一片止咳糖,对于抽鼻子、打喷嚏、鼻塞,喝一杯热茶是一个由来已久的民间偏方。Like ice for a burn or a lozenge for a cough, a cup of hot tea is an age-old balm for sniffles, sneezing and stuffiness.

我们也需要改善办公场所的通风来预防头疼、不良的气味、嗓子疼、鼻塞和灰尘。We also need to improve the ventilation in our office to help prevent headaches, smells, sore throats, stuffiness and dustiness.

学生使用此种书包,可减轻背部因紧贴接触书包而产生闷热多汗。When students use the school bag, the stuffiness and hyperhidrosis caused by the appressed school bag on the back can be reduced.

术后头几天有一点出血是常见的,你会在术后几周内都感到有鼻塞的症状。A little bleeding is common during the first few days following surgery, and you may continue to feel some stuffiness for several weeks.

普通流感一般来说是一种伴随着发烧、头痛、喉咙痛、鼻塞和咳嗽的呼吸道疾病,时常兼有身体上的疼痛。Influenza ordinarily is a respiratory illness with fever, headache, sore throat, nasal stuffiness and cough. And body aches are real common.

德育方法改革相对滞后和德育工作者长期以固步自封、因循守旧是导致网络冲击校园时中小学德育工作全线溃败的重要原因。The behind moral education and the pedagogue' s stuffiness and lockstep is an important cause that results in defeat of the moral education.

这几天杭州的天气闷得让人发慌,特别是今天上午,那粘粘糊糊的感觉真让人受不了。In the past days, the oppressive weather had made people flustered, especially this morning when the stickiness and stuffiness was unbearable.

由于第二天性使然,人们会通过擤鼻涕来缓解鼻塞,但有人认为这样做没啥好处,还会使鼻涕逆流入鼻窦,引发呼吸不畅。Blowing your nose to alleviate stuffiness may be second nature, but some people argue it does no good, reversing the flow of mucus into the sinuses and slowing the drainage.

有的兼见胸闷,心悸气促,手指颤动,急躁易怒,容易汗出,眼球突出,脉弦滑而数。There can be also stuffiness in chest, palpitation, shortness of breath, tremor of fingers irritability, hot temper, perspiration exophthalmos, and wiry, rolling, rapid pulse.