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即使不愚蠢,也算不得聪明。Ineptly, if not stupidly.

他真笨,竟然回答了这个问题。He stupidly answered the question.

你干嘛还傻傻地站在那?Why do you stand there so stupidly?

愚蠢的地精急切地点点头。The kobold nodded eagerly, stupidly.

你笨嘴笨舌地回答了他的问题。You answered his questions stupidly.

他们说因为他讲话的方式很蠢。They told him that he talked stupidly.

在Picasa应用程序中,此操作非常简单。In the Picasa application it’s stupidly easy.

因为前一天晚上我有点傻里傻气。Because I had behaved stupidly the previous evening.

你知道我多么在意,但我仍然在傻傻地等你。You know how much I care, I am still wating for you stupidly.

“哦,”弗拉德先生愚蠢地问道,“卢克也是口吃了?”"Oh, " said Mr. Flood stupidly. "Is Luke the one that stutters?"

是说聪明人也有一时糊涂做错事的时候。This adage says that even a clever person may do something stupidly.

那你有没有想过为什么厂商要印这些明显很愚蠢的东西呢?Have you ever wondered why they have to print something so stupidly obvious?

我敢打包票我十足旳男性可以吸引那些大傻美女旳眼睛。I was sure that my manliness could attract girls who were stupidly attractive.

他是奥巴马告诉全国人民说他“行为愚蠢”的剑桥市警察队伍中的那名警察。He is the cop on the Cambridge force who, Obama told the nation, “acted stupidly.”

上周五,奥巴马总统收回了他指责剑桥市警察“行为愚蠢”的说法。Friday, President Obama retreated from his charge that the Cambridge cops “acted stupidly.”

其他29名拥有相同经历的性感明星也会支持你们的。I stand with you in stupidly bra-less solidarity.And so do these 29 other sexy braless stars.

是谁愚蠢地把那块不同年代的笨重石头硬砌在埃尔康迪斯的加洛林王朝的石板地里呢?Who stupidly sealed that heavy anachronism of stone in the Carlovingian pavement of Hercandus?

此事迅速发展成为就以种族貌相取人问题的辩论,奥巴马一句“行为愚蠢”的评论有如火上浇油。The matter mushroomed into a debate on racial profiling, fueled by Obama's "acted stupidly" remark.

皮特知道他们的同学会嘲笑斯基普,所以他打扮得愚蠢让斯基普感觉好受些。Peter knew that their classroomates would laugh at Skip, so he dressed stupidly to make Skip feel better.

如果您的孩子经常出现愣神的情况,家长就要注意了,这有可能就是癫痫症状。If your child is stupidly often the case, parents need to be aware that there may be symptoms of epilepsy.