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就是传票。It is known as the subpoena.

人民法院会贴出告示传唤被告。People court can stick an annunciate subpoena the accused.

杜宾还介绍说,在美国政府对内幕交易的调查中,高桥公司迄今没有收到过法院传票。Highbridge has not received a subpoena in the current probe, according to Dubin.

传唤令就是一份法庭的通知书,它命令证人在审判日出庭作证。A subpoena is a court notice ordering a witness to appears in court on a trial date.

法院院长责备行政庭不该不看对象乱发传票。Forensic dean blames administrative front courtyard to ought not to not see object tousle subpoena.

这份传票认定Kimelman是Quad的交易员和Lighthouse金融集团的经纪商.The subpoena identified Kimelman as a trader with Quad and a broker with Lighthouse Financial Group.

布什下午晚些时候在白宫的一份声明中表示,他将反对法庭对总统助理发出任何传唤。Bush, in a late-afternoon statement at the White House, said he would fight any subpoena effort in court.

目前,法院在是需要授权令还是传票才能获得个人信息方面存在分歧。Currently, courts are divided on whether access to location information requires a warrant or a subpoena.

他的传唤权利范围也因此扩大,而且他早已计划好了自己要做的事情。The post comes with wide-ranging subpoena powers, and Issa has already indicated how he plans to wield them.

因此,裁决是一个广泛的后效范畴,涵盖绝大多数影响私人当事人的机关决定。Most formal agency adjudications are preceded by a staff investigation, which is usually backed by the subpoena power.

SAC公司自己也收到联邦政府要求索取大量信息的传票。SAC itself has received a subpoena from the federal government, which has made a request for broad swathes of information.

但是众议院监督委员会说它的传票会取代强制令,并且Biller先生计划全程合作。But the House oversight committee said its subpoena would supersede the injunction and that Mr Biller planned to “fully co-operate”.

警方还说,该案中并没有涉及家庭暴力的指控,因此没有发传票进行医疗取证的必要。Police also said no claims of domestic violence were made in the case, providing no reason to issue a subpoena for medical evidence.

联邦官员给谷歌发去传票,命令他们检索存档,获取了被特宁删除的电子邮件账号。Federal authorities obtained Tannin's deleted email account by serving a subpoena on Google, forcing the company to search its archives.

雷曼兄弟的律师向高盛等业者发出传票,试图取得相关文件及员工资讯.On Friday, attorneys for Lehman Brothers filed notices of subpoena for firms including Goldman seeking access to documents and employees.

微软在试图传唤对手来反对欧盟反垄断案的道路上再次受到了阻力。Microsoft has been rebuffed a second time in its attempts to subpoena competitors in order to fight its antitrust case with the European Union.

而且,她还说,“很显然没有足够的证据表明需要发出传票进一步寻求可能存在的医学证据。”In addition, she said, “it was determined that there was insufficient evidence to issue a subpoena for any additional medical evidence that may exist.”

微软在试图传唤对手来反对欧盟反垄断案的道路上再次受到了阻力。D. N. N. Microsoft has been rebuffed a second time in its attempts to subpoena competitors in order to fight its antitrust case with the European Union.

这项调查将由一个特殊的独立的委员会来执行,该委员会是由拥有传票权力的专家们组成的,并且是设立于议会之外的。Hosono. The investigation will be conducted by a special independent committee made up of experts with subpoena power, to be set up outside of Parliament.

但是,在某些情况下可能需要伊维法律,传票或执法机构或司法当局以提供个人信息。However, in some instances Ivie may be required by law, subpoena or order of law enforcement agencies or judicial authorities to provide personal information.