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汤姆绷着脸说。Tom said sullenly.

怎么样呢?”汤姆绷着脸说。"So what?" Tom said sullenly.

“他是一位绅士。”孩子愠怒地说。"He is a gentleman, " said the lad sullenly.

弗烈特绷着脸愠怒地瞪着他弟弟。Freddie stared sullenly at his younger brother.

“我没事。”我阴沉着脸,向他保证。There's nothing wrong with me, " I assured him sullenly ."

过了一会,他们便垂头丧气地涉水回到小船上。In a few minutes they were paddling sullenly back to the boat.

工人们在煤矿里慢吞吞地推着煤车。In the coal shaft the working-men pushed the coal cars sullenly.

“你的意思是你不肯给我活下去的机会,”她愤愤地说。You won't give me a chance of life, you mean,' she said sullenly.

他和她母亲阴沉的看了看鹿也就走了。And he and his mother stared sullenly at the deer and then walked on.

“你不了解,”丹尼斯闷闷不乐地回答道,“我没法儿跟你解释。”"You don't understand, " Dennis had responded sullenly. "I can't explain it."

第二天晚饭之前,阿切尔正心情阴郁地坐在书房里吸烟,詹尼漫步进来走到他跟前。The next afternoon, as Archer, before dinner, sat smoking sullenly in his study, Janey wandered in on him.

二弟阴沉地坐在教室前排,面对青年们饶有兴致的提问,只是沉默再沉默地抽烟。Sullenly he sits in front of the class, smokes a cigarette and says nothing as the eager youths pepper him with questions.

星期天一整晚,连宋两博士都气嘟嘟的坐在台北市中心上万怒意盎然的支持群众中间。All Sunday night, Dr. Lien and Dr. Soong sat sullenly at their defeat rally in central Taipei surrounded by thousands of enflamed supporters.

回来后,我独自闷坐在屋里,让心情平静下来。不一会儿,招待通报来客了。是川。After coming back, I sit sullenly alone in the house and let the mood fall calm. Invite to notify visitor not and in a short while. Is a Chuan.

事实上,有些过度配合的2的人,他们大部分的生命都陷入一种惯性的反感状态,忧郁的做着他们认为所有人所期望的事。In fact, some 2s who have overcooperated most of their life can later get stuck in a state of chronic resentment, sullenly doing what they think everyone else expects.