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萨利有一个凸出的高鼻子。Sully has a prominent nose.

那就让我们污染暴君的空气。Let us sully the air for the oppressor

我希望萨利能帮我厘清这个。I was hoping Sully would smooth it out for me.

萨伦伯格察看了血迹斑斑的驾驶舱。Sully peered into the blood-splattered cockpit.

我不愿意伸手去抓那闪亮的黄铜门环,怕把它弄脏。I felt loath to sully the gleaming brass knocker by handling it.

是迷信的人玷污了数字的完美。It is superstitious people that sully the perfection of numbers.

在这微妙的关头,只要遇到一个人就会破胤坏全盘的计划。To meet even one person at this delicate juncture would sully the whole enterprise.

浪漫的小火苗刚刚重新燃起来。别因为唾液交换,毁了这一刻。We've only just rekindled the romance. Let's not sully the moment with the exchange of saliva.

萨伦伯格一直牢记着在部队服役时学的飞行人员弹射研究。Sully has always kept in mind the air-crew ejection study helearned about in his military days.

萨伦伯格一直牢记着在部队服役时学的飞行人员弹射研究。Sully has always kept in mind the air-crew ejection study he learned about in his military days.

所以我们姑且称之为埃尔·斯蒂福,扣动扳机,让萨利将这一年迫降在哈德逊河上。So let's just call it an El Stiffo, pull the trigger and have Sully ditch the whole year in the Hudson.

萨伦伯格说,他从未忘记那些因为此类尝试而不幸罹难的空军战友们。Sully says he has never shaken his memories of fellow AirForce pilots who didn't survive such attempts.

萨伦伯格说,他从未忘记那些因为此类尝试而不幸罹难的空军战友们。Sully says he has never shaken his memories of fellow Air Force pilots who didn't survive such attempts.

由于在那天拯救了155条生命,萨伦伯格收到了数千封电子邮件,他的Facebook帐户如今有了63.5万名粉丝。Since saving 155 lives that day, Sully has received thousands of emails and now has 635,000 Facebook fans.

由于在那天拯救了155条生命,萨伦伯格收到了数千封电子邮件,他的Facebook帐户如今有了63.5万名粉丝。Since saving 155 lives that day, Sully has received thousands of emails and now has 635, 000 Facebook fans.

全美航空的英雄机长杰斯利苏伦伯格将作为游行大礼官带领庆祝新年的队伍。New Year's procession will be led by grand marshal Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger, the celebrated airline pilot.

杰克‧萨利是一个毫无希望的家伙,生活在一个毫无希望的世界里,一个被大机器压扁后吐出来的小人物。Josh Sully is a hopeless guy in a hopeless world, a little guy whom the big machine has ground up and spit out.

萨伦伯格和妻子无法生育,随后经过了试图收养孩子的艰苦历程。Sully and his wife struggledwith infertility, then endured the arduous journey of trying tobecome adoptive parents.

杰斯利·苏伦伯格的妻子称他的丈夫热爱飞行艺术,是“飞行员中的精英”。The wife of Chesley " Sully " Sullenberger says her husband is "a pilot's pilot" who "loves the art of the airplane.

吉安阿萨莫阿和苏雷•蒙塔里的两粒进球,帮助球队战胜对手。Goals from Asamoah Gyan and Sully Muntari were enough to beat a team who are currently second in the FIFA world rankings.