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我发现忘掉萨姆纳很容易。I found it very easy to forget about Sumner.

他就是威廉·格雷厄姆·萨姆纳讲的“被遗忘的人”。He is the Forgotten Man of William Graham Sumner.

以萨姆纳损坏的房子是显示在2011年2月23日在新西兰基督城。A damaged house in Sumner is shown on February 23, 2011 in Christchurch, New Zealand.

萨姆纳会冲我们皱眉,做苦脸,竭力表示他无言的反对。Sumner would greet us with frowns and grimaces, doing his best to express wordless disapproval.

其次,使史葛萨姆纳快乐的是,我们应该谨慎将低利率归咎于美联储。Second, to make Scott Sumner happy, we should be careful attributing low interest rates to the Fed.

他的母亲奥德丽萨姆纳是一名受过极好训练的钢琴手,她教儿子弹钢琴,儿子掌握了这门艺术。A classically trained pianist, Audrey Sumner taught her son the piano, an instrument which he mastered.

人站在外面他们在萨姆纳损坏房子是2011年2月23日在新西兰基督城所示。People stand outside their damaged house in Sumner is shown on February 23, 2011 in Christchurch, New Zealand.

帝王娱乐集团在全美国运营549个电影院,共6,754个放映厅。Regal owns 549 theaters operating 6,754 screens and competes with Sumner Redstone's privately held National Amusements.

按照夏默雷石东提升股东价值的计划,再过几天,媒体巨头维亚康姆将一分为二。In just a few days, media conglomerate Viacom will split in two as part of Sumner M. Redstone's plan to boost shareholder value.

而公司的大股东萨默尔。莱德斯托恩如今也在其先前所说过的“内容就是王道”后面加上了一句“收费业务也是王道”。The firm's controlling shareholder, Sumner Redstone, once observed that content is king. But at the moment, subscription is king.

萨姆纳·马勒说,“有了这些网站,做志愿者和了解学校情况变得容易多了,不用再没完没了地发电子邮件了,但上网做这些事情会花费你超多时间。”It saves people from the endless chain of emails, ' Ms. Sumner Mahle says. 'But the amount of time you spend online with these things is insane.'

“尽管我们本人都非常喜欢他,但我们认为与他继续签约是错误的。”维亚康姆公司主席在谈到派拉蒙公司决定与荡姆克鲁斯时说。"As much as we like him personally, we thought it was wrong to renew his deal, " Viacom chief Sumner Redstone said of Paramount's decision to drop Cruise.

除了中间气氛紧张了一小会,就是萨默跟厨房叫厨师长过来,批评他热狗煮久了,整个会话还是很令人满意的。It was a very good meeting except for one tense moment, when Sumner called the kitchen and personally reprimanded the chef for boiling his hot dog too long.

萨塞克斯大学的安迪萨姆纳发展研究所争论过,西方的援助项目一般是在贫穷局势稳定的地区,例如坦桑尼亚。As Andy Sumner of the Institute of Development Studies at Sussex University has argued, the West's aid business has grown up in poor, stable places, such as Tanzania.

在纽约,萨姆那和几个侦探在出版商的办公室里发现了865本印刷本,弗雷尔德因为出售淫秽书籍被处以罚款。In New York, Sumner and several police detectives seized 865 copies of The Well from the publisher's offices, and Friede was charged with selling an obscene publication.

正如斯科特·萨姆纳说的那样,“根据摩尔定律科技和信息也许会向前迈进一步,但是在1983年将没有什么很大的发展。As Scott Sumner points out, "progress in info tech may play out at a pace dictated by Moore's law. Given Moore's law, no amount of research could have produced a Kindle in 1983."

其时,公司董事长雷石东把一个100多人的民族交响乐团带到美国,并将朱哲琴、郑钧等中国歌手推至全球。The time, Sumner Redstone, chairman of a National Symphony Orchestra of more than 100 people to the United States, and Zhu Zheqin, Jun Zheng and other Chinese singers to push the world.