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一份简单的爱情,日出而作,日落而息。A simple love, sunrise and sundown.

等到日落前你们再来。Wait until just before sundown and then come over.

日落时分,你会看到街道熙熙攘攘,商店大放光明。At sundown you will find streets busy and shops aglow.

夕阳的爱情才识真情的开端!Love at the sundown is the starting of true of affection!

你经常会在天变黑,太阳落山的时候看到我。You would see me most often at sundown when it's getting dark.

落日的余辉也慢慢抽回了它最后的温暖,当时的情况是如此的凄凉和悲哀。The sundown drew in the last warm slowly, it's dreariness and sad.

我们在电话旁一直等到太阳落山也没得到消息。Together, we waited by the phone until sundown.The phone never rang.

我们在电话旁边一直等到太阳下山,都没有等到任何电话。Together, we waited by the phone until sundown. The phone never rang.

妇女日落后必须穿著束腹且必须要有男伴陪同。Women must wear a corset after sundown and be in the company of male chaperone.

在南达科他的一片荒地里,一只野牛形影相吊,头上的天宇蜡染般的漂亮。A lone bison pauses at sundown beneath the pastel sky of South Dakota's Badlands.

从日落到日出,「黑鬼」留在郡界内是违法的。It is unlawful for "negroes" to be within county boundaries from sundown to sunrise.

的确是这样。日落后天井就会关闭,如果天花板在晚上开启超过40秒。The atrium roof closes a sundown and if the louvers are up for more than 40 seconds at night.

日暮月色金黄,我将往昔追望,幕幕铭记心间,如斯飞逝。Sundown yellow moon, I replay the past, I know every scene by heart, they all went by so fast.

但是在佛罗里达,从日出到日落,天空永远是晴朗的。热带风是那样的温暖。The sky would be clear from sunup to sundown in Florida. The winds would be warm and tropical.

就在周五日落之前,我疯狂地使用打印机,比我拥有这台打印机以来的其他任何一天都要频繁。Right before sundown on Friday, I used my printer more than I had the rest of the time I’ve owned it.

周一日落前,一些建筑物仍在燃烧,有些已被北约空袭夷为平地。Some buildings were still ablaze just before sundown on Monday, others were flattened by NATO air strikes.

在10号日落前,30架伊尔-2强击机,分成3个波次,对已知的德军阵地狂轰滥炸。Before sundown on the 10th, 30 Shturmoviks flew three sorties in a row, blasting the known German positions.

十月,一个秋风与落叶共舞,夕阳与晚霞齐辉的月份。October is the month which autumn wind and the fallen leaves dance together, sundown and sunglow glow together.

我钓到了一条大鲶鱼,用我的那把锯子剖开了肚子。日落以前,我烧起了篝火,吃了晚饭。I catched a catfish and haggled him open with my saw, and towards sundown I started my camp fire and had supper.

当西下的太阳令天空变得黯淡时,我想要躲一会儿,躲在你微笑的背后,而我的眼前总能看到你的双眸。When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide a while, behind your smile, And everywhere I'd look, your eyes I'd find.