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这是一本立论肤浅的书。It's a superficial book.

恐怕不能,我们只能描述一些表面现象。We cannot, except in superficial terms.

当然,这会是比较肤浅的介绍Obviously, this will be rather superficial.

跟他在一起很有趣,单他很肤浅。He's fun to be with, but he's very superficial.

今天的美国作家似乎非常肤浅。Today's American writer seems very superficial.

依凡的烫伤是表面的,因此很快就好了。Ivan's burns were superficial and soon got well.

他的诗既可以浅显易懂,and people enjoy on a sort of superficial level,

若为居士,却不勤于禅修,是为表面。It is superficial to be noble without meditating.

不要成为一个挂名的、掉以轻心的、浮浅的基督徒。Don't be a nominal, casual, superficial Christian.

它平衡所有光滑,表面胡说八道。It balances all that glossy, superficial bollocks.

退一步说这是一个肤浅的评价。This is a superficial assessment to say the least.

他学习一向不求甚解。He studies only to have a superficial understanding.

本文试对此作粗浅的探讨。This article try to make this superficial discussion.

你对该学科只有粗浅的了解。You have only a superficial knowledge of the subject.

但是您可以感觉到的任何奇怪的东西都是表面的。But any oddness that you might perceive is superficial.

他对错误的认识比较浮浅。His understanding of his mistake is rather superficial.

对于这件事,我也只是略知皮毛。To know a little superficial knowledge about something.

竹秆表面微形态的扫描电镜观察。SEM observation on superficial microstructure of bamboo.

这类杂志经常被认为很肤浅。Such magazines are often perceived as being superficial.

它几乎使所有表面的轻微擦痕消失。It almost makes all superficial minor scratches disappear.